
Proposed Approach for Gradual Refactoring of a Legacy REST Application. The updated API will dynamically route requests, either deferring to the legacy code or directing to the new implementation.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • Welcome to the documentation for the nestjs-reverse-proxy API built with NestJS. This guide will walk you through the steps to run, build, test, and debug the API.
  • This project was developed to assist in the migration of legacy APIs. If you possess an older API and intend to upgrade to a newer version, you can utilize this reverse-proxy to redirect requests from the existing API to the legacy system. This allows you to develop the new code patiently.

Table of Contents


Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools installed on your system:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd nestjs-reverse-proxy
  2. Install dependencies:

    nvm i 18.17.1
    nvm use
    npm install

Running the API

To start the API server, run the following command:

npm start

This will start the NestJS server in normal mode. If you want to start the server in development mode with auto-reloading on code changes, use:

npm run start:dev

For production deployment, you can use:

npm run build
npm run start:prod

Docker commands

  • To build the API image with docker: docker build -t nestjs-reverse-proxy .
  • To see the existent images: docker images
  • To delete existent images: docker rmi nestjs-reverse-proxy
  • To run your docker container for this image: docker run -d --name nestjs-reverse-proxy-container -p 3000:3000 nestjs-reverse-proxy
  • To see running containers: docker ps
  • To see container's logs: docker logs nestjs-reverse-proxy-container
  • To stop your container: docker stop nestjs-reverse-proxy-container
  • To delete a stopped container: docker rm nestjs-reverse-proxy-container


Unit Tests

To run unit tests, execute:

npm test

End-to-End Tests

To run end-to-end tests, execute:

npm run test:e2e

Code Coverage

To generate code coverage reports, run:

npm run test:cov

The coverage reports will be available in the coverage directory.

Linting and Formatting

To lint and format your code, use the following command:

npm run lint

To automatically fix linting and formatting issues, run:

npm run format

This will run the tests in debug mode, allowing you to attach a debugger.


Before creating a pull request, make sure to:

  1. Write tests for any new functionality.
  2. Run the linting and formatting checks using npm run lint and npm run format.