
Primary LanguageTypeScript

File Storage Project


This project is a comprehensive file storage application featuring organizations, file upload and management, role-based authorization, authentication, scheduled file deletions, favorites, and trash functionalities. The UI is rich with components like dialogs, modals, toasts, and dropdowns.


Este projeto é uma aplicação abrangente de armazenamento de arquivos que inclui organizações, upload e gerenciamento de arquivos, autorização baseada em funções, autenticação, exclusão programada de arquivos, favoritos e funcionalidades de lixeira. A interface do usuário é rica em componentes como diálogos, modais, alertas e menus suspensos.


  • TypeScript: Strongly typed programming language.
  • Next.js: React framework for building server-side rendered applications.
  • Shadcn: UI components library.
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework.
  • Convex: Backend database and logic.
  • Clerk: Authentication and user management.


  • Organizations: Manage files within different organizations.
  • File Upload and Management: Upload and manage files easily.
  • Role-Based Authorization: Secure access control based on user roles.
  • Authentication: User authentication using Clerk.
  • Scheduled File Deletions: Automatically delete files using cron jobs.
  • Favorites and Trash: Mark files as favorites and move files to trash.
  • UI Components: Includes dialogs, modals, toasts, dropdowns, and more.


Clone the repository

  git clone https://github.com/godinhorafa/files-storage.git

Navigate to the project directory

cd file-storage

Install the dependencies

npm install


1. Configure the necessary environment variables for Convex and Clerk

2. Start the convex server

  npx convex dev

3. Start the development server

  npm run dev

4.Open your browser and go to:


Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!