
Godot package manager rust client

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Godot Package Manager rust client

discord aur


Note read the using packages quickstart first.

  1. Download the latest version
  2. Move the executable to your PATH as gpm

There's an AUR package available: godot-package-manager-git

Note This package installs to /usr/bin/godot-package-manager to avoid conflicts with general purpose mouse. Assuming you have yay installed:

  1. yay -S godot-package-manager-git


gpm update # downloads the newest versions of packages
gpm purge # removes the installed packages
gpm tree # prints the tree of installed packages, looks like
# /home/my-package
# └── @bendn/test@2.0.10
#    └── @bendn/gdcli@1.2.5


  1. git clone --depth 5 https://github.com/godot-package-manager/client)
  2. cargo build -r
  3. Executable is target/release/godot-package-manager