This is a simple URI template implementation following the RFC 6570 URI Template specification. The implementation supports all levels defined in the specification and is extensively tested.
For use with Node.js you can install it through npm:
$ npm install url-template
If you want to use it in a browser, copy lib/url-template.js
into your project and use the global urltemplate
instance. Alternatively you can use Bower to install this package:
$ bower install url-template
var template = require('url-template');
var emailUrlTemplate = template.parse('/{email}/{folder}/{id}');
var emailUrl = emailUrlTemplate.expand({
email: 'user@domain',
folder: 'test',
id: 42
// Returns '/user@domain/test/42'
The RFC states that errors in the templates could optionally be handled and reported to the user. This implementation takes a slightly different approach in that it tries to do a best effort template expansion and leaves erroneous expressions in the returned URI instead of throwing errors. So for example, the incorrect expression {unclosed
will return {unclosed
as output. The leaves incorrect URLs to be handled by your URL library of choice.