
Front-end examples in CSS & JavaScript for newbies

Primary LanguageCSS


A collection of front-end examples using HTML/CSS/JavaScript for newbies.

To be intuitive every demo is Integrated with JSFiddle by organizing files in the given structure as follows:

 - demo.html
 - demo.css
 - demo.js
 - demo.details  

Attention! All files have to be named as demo.

demo.details is a description of the demo written in YAML, structure compatible with MooTools doc.

Everything before the line containing only '---' will not be parsed

 name: The Name of the Demo
 description: Some description, please keep it in one line
   - Yison
   - http://some.url.com/some/file.js
   - http://other.url.com/other_filename.css
 normalize_css: no

Everything after the line containing only '...' will not be parsed

All above fields are optional.

Run in JSFiddle

One need to choose the framework and the GitHub path using the URL:
URL: http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/{framework}/{version}/{github_tree}/

Use library/pure for no framework:
URL: http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/{github_tree}/

There is an option to add dependencies as a comma separated list:
URL: http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/{framework}/{version}/dependencies/{dependency_list}/{github_tree}/


Demo on the github: http://github.com/yison-dripower/febible/tree/master/css/center-horizontally/

URL to jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/mootools/1.2/yison-dripower/febible/tree/master/css/center-horizontally/

It will load the fiddle with MooTools framework in version 1.2.5