
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GDOHS (Garage Door Opener and Home Surveillance)


A proof-of-concept project for a home surveillance camera with an automatic garage door opener where an LED light is used to represent the garage door.

The project is to build a web application that allows the user to live stream, record, and turn on the LED lights.

The web application includes:

  1. Signup
  2. Login/Logout
  3. Forget Password/Reset Password
  4. Profile Page
  5. Live-stream page
  6. Video recording page
  7. Camera settings page
  8. Home page
  9. Download/Delete video page

Hardware Requirements

  1. Raspberry Pi Model 2B
  2. Picamera
  3. Sensehat
  4. USB 64GB/128GB
  5. USB Wireless Adapter
  6. Lightweight server (laptop/desktop)

Software Requirements

  1. Raspberry pi - Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (Jessie)
  2. Laptop/desktop server - Preferred (Ubuntu) but Mint Cinnamon 17.3 was used for this project.
  3. Python 2.7.9 programming language installed (usually packaged with Raspberry pi and Mint)

External Library Requirements

Before running the program, please ensure that all the required external libraries are installed for both machines.

  1. Raspberry Pi External Library Dependencies

    • Flask
    • Flask-Login
    • Flask-Bcrypt
    • Flask-Mail
    • Flask-WTF
    • Flask-Pymongo
    • Pymongo
    • Mongodb
    • Picamera (Usually installed when picamera is connected to the raspberry pi)
    • Sensehat (Usually installed when sensehat is connected to the raspberry pi)
    • itsdangerous
  2. Laptop/Desktop Server External Library Dependencies

    • Flask
    • Flask-Bcrypt
    • Flask-Pymongo
    • Pymongo
    • OpenALPR


Once all the external libraries have been installed and tested to be working, you may run the following programs included in the package.

Note: Ensure that "SECRET_KEY" inside both the config file matches.

  1. Raspberry Pi

    • Ensure that the necessary changes have been made to the configuration file before running the program.
    • Ensure that the necessary folders are created:
      • motion-images
      • videos
      • data
    • On the raspberry pi, we will start the database instance first.
    • mongod --dbpath data --smallfiles --auth
      • "data" is the folder where we will store our database
    • After starting the MongoDB instance, we will now create our database.
      • python dbscripts.py
    • Once we have created our database, we can now start our flask application
      • sudo python app.py
  2. Laptop/Desktop Server

    • Ensure that the necessary changes have been made to the configuration file before running the program
    • Ensure that the necessary folders are created:
      • motion-images
      • videos
    • We will only need to run the license plate reading server in this machine
      • sudo python lprserver.py