
Coding assignment for Frankly

Primary LanguageRuby


A coding assignment to demonstrate proficiency with JavaScript without third-party libraries


  • Compatibility with mobile browsers

  • No third-party JavaScript libraries

  • No need to style UI


  1. Given a number suffixed in a URL, make a grid of size n, and render it in HTML. No restrictions on the URL format. e.g.,

    Here I made the route such that http://localhost:3000/grids/create/n 
    will take you to a form to create a grid of n size. 
    You can view the grids created and their dimensions in a simple CRUD style app.
  2. Tapping on an empty grid square adds an ‘x’ to it. Tapping once more removes the ‘x’.

    I added event listeners to the DOM elements, data attributes to store state on the front end
    and AJAX calls using XMLHttpRequest to send messages to the back end.
  3. Make x’s draggable from their grid square to any other grid squares within the grid. If an x is drag and dropped to a grid square already containing an x, the drag­and­drop action is cancelled

    I used the 'draggable' attribute on anything with an 'x'. A listener responds to the drop 
    event on the target, reading its data attribute to see if it has an 'x' in it already and takes 
    the appropriate action.
  4. Make the positions of all x’s sync in other browsers/tabs with the same URL from Step 1. No restrictions on the backend platform.

    I used rails on the back end and serves/receives JSON data. I used a polling technique 
    to update the other clients, check the array of squareState data (does this index contain an x) 
    and compare against the front end squareState. If at any point the state of a cell on the grid 
    does not match the server's, it will update the DOM accordingly each second.