Sorting algorithm Visualizer

Visualization has always been an interest of mine since I was first introduced to sorting algorithm visualization in my CSE1320 (Introduction to programming in C) class. This project serves as a gateway for me to learn more about how to visualize different types of soriting algorithms. My choice of an API is SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) as the main focus of the project is visualization using a simple enough API so that anyone looking at the code can easily understand what is going on.

API's used:

  • SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library)

Resource used:

File descriptions

  • main.cpp - holds all of the source code for visualizing selection sort.

Compilation instructions:

  • Build the project on Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.


  • Build and run the project from within Microsoft Visual Studio.

Bug Report

  • None

Required Additions

  • ImGui Graphical User Interface
  • Abstract the sorting algorithm into its own class