
A nodejs CRUD app for notes and has good features you can improve on.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Notes App

This is a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for taking notes. It was a project during 2nd Year internal Attachment on developing sample APIs (Laikipia University). It was built using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. For templating, EJS was used.


  • Create, read, update, and delete notes
  • Rich text editor for notes
  • API to be used on front end
  • UI interactivity
  • Dark Theme Toggle


    Screenshot 1 Home UI Screenshot 2 Add A Note Screenshot 3 Saved/Read A Note

Screenshot 4 Update/ Edit a Note Screenshot 5 Dark Mode


  1. Clone the repository
  2. git clone https://github.com/GodyRacks/Node.jsNotes-app.git
  3. Navigate to app directory
    cd app
  4. Install dependencies
    npm install express mongoose axios nodemon body-parser morgan ejs dotenv
  5. Create a mongodb atlas cluster, free preferably then obtain password to use on your Mongo_URI, see edited ./app/config.env as an example.
  6. Start the server using
    npm start

you can check out the package_json file and see how i used nodemon to automatically refresh the server any time changes are made.//console logs


  1. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000. OR when you type npm start in the terminal (VSCode) you will see http://localhost:3000. click on it it will open your application on the browser.
  2. Create, read, update, or delete notes as needed


  • Predictive search for notes
  • Notes encryption for added security
  • Better responsive web design
  • Flash messages for user feedback
  • Account registration and login
  • Add more authentication options
  • Code improvement overall
  • Contributions are highly welcomed!