
iOS SDK for the goedle.io service

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


CI Status Version License Platform


  • iOS target Version 8+
  • Data can only be transfered with an active internet connection
  • You need the goedle.io API key and APP key
  • You can request an API key by emailing support@goedle.io or marc@goedle.io


goedle_io_sdk is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "goedle_io_sdk"


Open your AppDelegate.m and import the following header:

#import "GoedleSdkiOS.h"

The next step is to init the SDK; to do so add the following code YOU NEED THE <GOEDLE_APP_KEY> and <GOEDLE_API_KEY>, these can be requested by emailing support@goedle.io or marc@goedle.io.

  - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions{
            [GoedleSdkiOS initGoedle:<GOEDLE_APP_KEY>:<GOEDLE_API_KEY>];


To use the goedle.io iOS SDK with Swift, you need to create a bridging header and insert:

#import "GoedleSdkiOS.h"

Now open your AppDelegate.swift and add the following code to the application function. YOU NEED THE <GOEDLE_APP_KEY> and <GOEDLE_API_KEY>, these can be requested by emailing support@goedle.io or marc@goedle.io.

        func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {


Scroll down to get directly to the implementation examples in ObjC and Swift. Concept We typically use two main variables to track an event. The first is the action, e.g., view, share, like — these variables are the specific actions which are done by a user. The second variable further specifies the action e.g., product, intro, category, user. These two variables are concatenated and delimited with a ".". Note however that a specifier is not mandatory and we also support hierarchies with more than two levels. Furthermore, we offer a custom field event_id, to identify the event (needed especially for our recommender engine). For example, if you want to track the view-event of a product, the event would be "view", the specifier would be "product" and the event id "235123". If your event has a certain value, like a duration or a level reached, we provide the custom field event_value. The event name would be "finish.level", the event id could be "level-12" and the event value something like 65, where 65 would be the duration in seconds. Geohash Besides the standard event tracking, we provide a geo-tracking functionality. We use geohashes, which is a geocoding system that transforms the classic longitude/latitude representation. An implementation of the geohash en/decoding scheme can be found here.

Tracking (ObjC)

To track an event, jump into your ViewControllers and add the goedle.io tracking method [GoedleSdkiOS track:@"."]; for each event you want to track. E.g.,

[GoedleSdkiOS track:@"<action>.<specifier>"];

or with "event_id"

[GoedleSdkiOS track:@"<action>.<specifier>":@"<event_id>"];

or with "event_value"

[GoedleSdkiOS track:@"<action>.<specifier>":@"<event_id>":@"<event_value>"];

Where action is something a user is doing ("view" or "buy") and specifier is the object of interest ("page" or "product"). As an additional identifier, you can use the "event_id" field. This is typically used to track an id of a product or an event. If the event has a specific value, like the duration example, you can use the "event_value" field.

Tracking Geohashes (ObjC)

To track a geohash, you have to call `[GoedleSdkiOS trackGeo:@"."];. For each event you want to track, you can add the geohash if applicable. E.g.:

[GoedleSdkiOS trackGeo:@"<action>.<specifier>":@"<geo_hash>"];


[GoedleSdkiOS trackGeo:@"<action>.<specifier>":@"<event_id>":@"<geo_hash>"];

Tracking (Swift)

To track an event, jump into your ViewControllers and add the goedle.io tracking method GoedleSdkiOS.track(.);, for each event you want to track. E.g.,


or with "event_id"


or with "event_value"


Where action is something a user is doing ("view" or "buy") and specifier is the object of interest ("page" or "product"). As an additional identifier, you can use the "event_id" field. This is typically used to track an id of a product or an event. If the event has a specific value, like the duration example, you can use the "event_value" field. ####Tracking Geohashes (Swift) To track a geohash, you have to call GoedleSdkiOS.trackGeo(:). For each event you want to track, you can add the geohash if applicable. E.g.:





goedle.io GmbH, marc@goedle.io


goedle_io_sdk is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.