#Grails Selection Macro Plugin
This plugin is a companion plugin to the selection plugin. The selection plugin uses a URI based syntax to select any information from any resource.
- gorm://person/list?name=Gr%25
- ldap:dc=my-company&dc=com&cn=users
- bean://myService/method
- https://dialer.mycompany.com/outbound/next?agent=liza&campaign=ikea
This plugin selection-macro can stack multiple selections on top of each other and perform union, diff and intersections on the result. For example:
- Add all customers in east territory
- Add all customers in north territory
- Keep only those with revenue above $1000000
- Remove those that we have an active discussion with
- Randomly pick 1000 customers from the result
The final result can be used anywhere in your Grails application. (print reports, export to file, generate emails, create call lists, etc.)