
Backend microservice to store and retrieve user information

Primary LanguageJava


Backend microservice to store and retrieve user information

This application is used for collecting users information and allow us to pull up & enter information about them.

Technologies used

Java 1.8, Spring boot, Embedded H2 database, Spring Data, Eclipse IDE, JUnit, Swagger

Execution steps

This project can be cloned from Git. Go to root directory of the project and execute following command in command line.

mvn spring-boot:run

This will start the application on localhost server with port 8090.

This microservice exposes following three APIs

  1. userinfoapi/v1/user This can be used to create a new user in the system

Operation: HTTP POST Endpoint: http://localhost:8090/userinfoapi/v1/user


	"email": "test@yahoo.com",
	"userName": "test_name",
	"country": "US",
	"phoneNumber": "716-3499290"


    "userId": "wkLMhLfiui"

We can use APIs on swagger UI to test.

  1. userinfoapi/v1/usage This can be used to create user's usage details in the system

Operation: HTTP POST http://localhost:8090/userinfoapi/v1/usage

Request Body requires three parameters - user id, usage type, and usage time


	"userId": "wkLMhLfiui",
	"usageType": "SMS",
	"usageTime": "2020-01-15"
  1. userinfoapi/v1/user/usage/{userId}/{usageType}/{startTime}

HTTP GET Operation

Request Endpoint: http://localhost:8090/userinfoapi/v1/user/usage/wkLMshLfiui/SMsS/2021-01-01


  "id": "cCciBiTpLi",
  "email": "test@yahoo.com",
  "userName": "testname",
  "country": "US",
  "phoneNumber": "716-3499290",
  "usages": [
      "id": 1,
      "usageType": "SMS",
      "usageTime": 1579064400000
      "id": 2,
      "usageType": "DATA",
      "usageTime": 1579064400000

Screenshots from swagger

alt text alt text


  1. I have created the REST API documentation through swagger integration. After the service is up and running on localhost then swagger documentation can be found on URL - http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui.html
  2. Due to lack of time, I could not do comprehensive Junit testing. I have added unit testing for one method.
  3. There seems to be some conflict between Junit 4 and Junit 5 framework. If the build fails because of unit test, please make the test runner as Junit 4 instead of Junit 5. I didn't get enough time to find the root cause and fix it permanently. Upon changing the test runner from eclipse IDE to Junit 4, the unit test case passes.