
NIXStats.js is CLI and JavaScript Wrapper for NIXStats

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NIXStats.js is CLI and JavaScript Wrapper for NIXStats

Using as CLI


Install it with npm install -g nixstats.


Go to NIXStats and generate your own API token.

Run nixstats config <your_token_goes_here>

Run nixstats now to see current servers situation.


Run nixstats --help for full CLI options.

Using as a JavaScript Wrapper for NIXStats API


Install it with npm install nixstats -save.


var ns = require('nixstats');
var nsClient = new ns.NIXStatsClient('<<your_token_goes_here>');
nsClient.server.list().then((result) => {
  for(var server of result.servers) {


  1. For full list of NIXStatsClient functions see index.js;
  2. All functions are returned as Promises;
  3. The result of each Promise is exactly as shown in the official documentation;

Looking forward

  • [CLI] output more useful information;
  • [CLI] more operations, history, details, etc;
  • [Wrapper] enable the user to choose between Promises or Callback;