
Cesium wrapper to R

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


R-CMD-check License


You can install the development version of cesium from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


Visit the usecases directory on GitHub to explore applications of the cesium package.

NOAA - Arctic Sea Ice Extent 2000 - 2022

Animation of arctic sea ice extent

Animation of arctic sea ice extent

Global Forest Watch - Deforestation in Rondonia, Brazil 2000 - 2020

Animation of forest loss in Rondonia, Brazil

Animation of forest loss in Rondonia, Brazil

NASA FIRMS - Fires in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania 2010 - 2020

Animation of fire detections in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Animation of fire detections in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

NOAA - Atlantic hurricanes 2004 - 2021 timelapse

Animation of atlantic hurricanes from the NOAA database 2004 - 2021

Animation of atlantic hurricanes from the NOAA database 2004 - 2021


This package is highly experimental, very far from being feature-equal compared with other mapping tools available to the R community and very likely to include breaking-changes in the foreseeable future. In other words, it needs your help! If you would like to be able to use CesiumJS capabilities from within R, please consider contributing to the development of this package. You can report bugs, open feature-requests or contribute pull-requests to improve the documentation or the code base. We have a Code-of-Conduct governing the process of contributing to this repository. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Getting started

If you are familiar with the leaflet package, you will quickly be able to use cesium as well. In fact, behind the scenes, cesium uses the very same design patterns that the authors of leaflet did. One distinctive feature of cesium, which probably represents the most difficult part in using it, is the inclusion of time as another dimension for mapping spatial data. It uses CesiumJS, developed by AGI, a Javascript library for mapping spatio-temporal data on an interactive 3D globe in the browser. While it also can be used to map data which is constant in time, it shows its real strength when the properties of your data change over time.

To achieve this, the authors of CesiumJS came up with a JSON based file format called CZML. The cesium R package, in its essence, is a translator between sf objects to CZML. This already takes us a long way, because we can use CZML to describe very different types of geometries in a way that CesiumJS can render these geometries and their properties dynamically.

To enable you to use the package efficiently, let’s briefly discuss some of the basic building blocks.

Basic concepts

The most basic concept in using cesium is that of an entity. An entity is a digital representation of an object located in space and time. When your data does not change over time, you could think of an entity as a single row in your sf object, where certain measurements, or properties in the CesiumJS lingua, are associated with a specific location in space. This becomes a little bit more complicated when your data has a temporal component. Now, either the entity might change its location in space over time, or it might change certain properties over time, or both. To complicate it even further, if you have a collection of entities that vary over time, more often than not they are not sampled at the exact same time steps. You end up with a time series where potentially both the location and properties of the entities vary irregularly over time.

## Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.1, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
data <- data.frame(
  ID = c(1,1,2,2),
  M = runif(4),
  time = c(Sys.time() - 0:1 * 30,  Sys.time() - 1:2 * 15),
  geom = st_as_sfc(apply(cbind(runif(4, -180, 180), runif(4, -90, 90)), 1, st_point, simplify = F))

(data <- st_as_sf(data, crs = st_crs("EPSG:4326")))
## Simple feature collection with 4 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -89.42126 ymin: -55.35812 xmax: 31.43983 ymax: 72.71347
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
##   ID         M                time                    geometry
## 1  1 0.8582765 2023-10-11 19:28:49   POINT (19.19777 39.66742)
## 2  1 0.7900004 2023-10-11 19:28:19   POINT (25.57935 72.71347)
## 3  2 0.1460654 2023-10-11 19:28:34   POINT (31.43983 5.546985)
## 4  2 0.5349906 2023-10-11 19:28:19 POINT (-89.42126 -55.35812)

To accommodate such irregular time series as the one above, we use sf as the digital representation for such objects. If your data varies over time, cesium expects you to supply a variable which identifies all observations that belong to a given entity. In the case of the data shown above, you would be required to set id_var = "ID". Additionally, you need to supply the variable that identifies the time of each observation. In the case above, that would translate to time_var = "time".

As you can see by inspecting the geometry column, the two entities change their location over time. cesium does not check if an entity changes its location, but instead offers an argument indicating whether or not to treat space as constant or dynamic. In case of constant space, the default, the first location is used for all subsequent observations of an entity. For the data above, we thus would have to set constant_space = FALSE, explicitly.

In case of time-dynamic entities, the question arises how certain properties should be treated between the sampled time steps. cesium let’s you decide between two different possibilities:

  • intervals: The default behavior in cesium. In this case, a property is only valid for an interval between the actual observation and the following one. This means that the value of a property changes abruptly once the respective interval is no longer valid. You do not have to do anything special to enable intervals for time-tagged properties, since this is the default behavior.

  • interpolation: In this case, properties are interpolated for the time between observations. Note, that interpolation can only be done for numerical properties. It cannot be sensually done for things like a text label or an image. You can use interpolation_options() in most of the czml_*() functions to fine-control the interpolation behavior.

Implementation & Limitations

Currently, cesium provides basic support to plot the following items:

  • point geometries enabled by add_points() and point_options()
  • markers enabled by add_markers() and marker_options()
  • labels enabled by add_labels() and label_options()
  • line geometries enabled by add_lines() and line_options()
  • polygon geometries enabled by add_polygons() and polygon_options()
  • raster image time series enabled by add_raster()

Most arguments should be set using the respective czml_*() function. Please consider the help page if in doubt. If your data has no temporal dimension to interpolate over or you wish to hold certain properties constant, you might supply single values that are then applied for all time steps.

In case you want to vary a property over time, you can use the formula notation and additionally supply the column where the time steps are found. Note, that different from leaflet, formulas are resolved on the entity level. If you wish to set a property based on a global statistic, you will need to pre-compute it.

Following is a list of features that most probably are required for a productive usage of cesium but currently are not implemented:

  • conversion methods for terra and other spatial classes
  • support for sf geometries of type MULTI*
  • mechanism to supply base maps
  • layer manager enabling toggling visibility of layers
  • legends for colors, sizes, etc.
  • support for custom TMS/WMS servers
  • support for custom terrain providers
  • R Markdown and shiny support

Please contact the maintainers of the package if you would like to support the development of these or other items.


On the R-side, cesium borrows heavily from the leaflet package for the internal workings of the code and the color mechanisms. Without the people driving the development of CesiumJS and the CZML format, such a thin wrapper as cesium would have no chance to go that far.


This package is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.

Copyright 2023 Darius A. Görgen