Course App - Frontend

Environment Setup

Create .env file in root folder



If you are using Amazon Linux as Operating System you can install nodejs packages with this following command:

$ sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ make
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

Run the application

This app has two options to run it.

1st Option - Server Deployment

# Install all Depedencies
$ npm install
# Firstly You need to run this command to create .nuxt directory with everything inside ready to start
$ npm run build 
# Start your client apps in server-side production mode
$ npm run start 

2nd Option - Static Deployment (Pre-rendered)

Gives you the ability to host your web application on any static hosting (Nginx or Apache2 ect), the static source code will be generated in dist folder

# Install all Depedencies
$ npm install
# Generate static source code
$ npm run generate # Use --prefix <your_path> for specific path and use --quite or --slient for suppressing the output of npm
# Then you can use your web server enggine that you love to run it.