- 1
Can't load the file
#73 opened by vbatalov - 7
- 1
Add choiche-sequence explicit support
#7 opened by goetas - 9
Choise tag in ComplexType
#5 opened by judimator - 6
re-enabling code coverage for scrutinzer
#28 opened by SignpostMarv - 4
ComplexType mixed="true"
#50 opened by marcuskober - 2
loadElement xs:choice $element->setMin(0)
#61 opened by time85 - 0
Required dev-dependencies
#62 opened by veewee - 1
- 1
- 0
Progress Report Callback
#57 opened by steve962 - 5
- 4
getDoc() empty for Elements
#42 opened by mgrundkoetter - 3
Keeping the order of a mixed sequence
#41 opened by tstumm - 2
Create a new release
#38 opened by mitquinn - 0
- 0
current node is in the Choice tag
#37 opened by dreamdeveloper - 4
Having issues finding the default value
#34 opened by mitquinn - 2
forking out php-cs-fixer config
#31 opened by SignpostMarv - 5
Get underlying xml from element
#25 opened by TheSachin - 5
request for code style configs
#19 opened by SignpostMarv - 1
<![CDATA[ still comes through with Item Name
#24 opened by bretto36 - 7
Seemingly infinite loop
#4 opened by novotnej - 4
- 2
Spelling errors
#1 opened by peterfromearth - 1
Replacement for goetas/xsd-reader?
#3 opened by mikesoule