
Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

LAB: MQMFT Agent in Container

Quick start

This lab requires only Docker and docker-compose, here on a Scaleway instance.

scw instance server create type=DEV1-M zone=nl-ams-1 image=centos_8 root-volume=l:40G ip=new name=mqftlab
scw instance server list zone=nl-ams-1
dnf -y install git
git clone https://github.com/goffinet/mftlab
cd mftlab
bash -x startup.sh

Or launch it with Terraform:

git clone https://github.com/goffinet/mftlab
cd mftlab
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve

1. Introduction

This lab introduces how to use MQ Managed File Transfer Agent container.

IBM MQ Managed File Transfer transfers files between systems in a managed and auditable way, regardless of file size or the operating systems used. You can use Managed File Transfer to build a customized, scalable, and automated solution that enables you to manage, trust, and secure file transfers. Managed File Transfer eliminates costly redundancies, lowers maintenance costs, and maximizes your existing IT investments.

2.Basic Requirements

  • Linux Operation System. Preferably RHEL 8.1 or Ubuntu 18.x.
  • As this lab involves usage of containers, this lab requires Docker Container Runtime and docker-compose to be installed on your machine.
setup_docker_ce() {
echo $(date -Is) Setup Docker
dnf -y install epel-release
dnf -y install git htop
dnf -y config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
dnf install docker-ce --nobest --allowerasing -y
systemctl enable --now docker
dnf -y install python3
pip3 install docker-compose
echo $(date -Is) Setup Docker OK

3. Analyze the docker-compose file

In this lab, you will create from the docker-compose.yml file:

On the command line:

  • You will create a resource monitor to automatically transfer files from source file system to destination file system.

agentconfig.json - A JSON file containing the configuration information required for creating agent containers. Here are the details of each attribute in the JSON file.

A datagenerator container will generate fake data to /mountpath/agent20/flow2/input/new on AGENT10 agent.

/mountpath – Path on the host file system mounted into container as /mountpath. This will be the directory where the agent will pick files to transfer in the local ./data/<agent>/<peer>/<flow> folder with this subfolder structure:

├── input
│   ├── new
│   ├── old
│   └── tmp
└── output
    ├── new
    ├── old
    └── tmp

4. Launch the lab

git clone https://github.com/goffinet/mftlab.git
cd mftlab
docker-compose up --build -d
docker-compose ps
docker-compose logs qm
docker-compose logs agent10

Run dspmq command inside the container and verify queue manager is running:

docker exec -it mftlab_qm_1 dspmq

5. Check if transfer is working

Now that you have configured queue manager and agents, it's time to automate transfers using a resource monitor. Resource monitor is major feature of MQ Managed File Transfer Agent. It helps to automatically trigger transfers at the occurrence of an event, for example arrival of a file with certain pattern name in a directory or MQ Queue. You can read more about Resource Monitors in Knowledge Center.

Remember you mounted ./data/agent10/agent20/flow1/input/new of the host file system into agent10 container as /mountpath/agent20/flow1/input/new directory. Similarly, ./data/agent20/agent10/flow1/output/new was mounted as /mountpath/agent10/flow1/output/new of agent20 container.

Please give all permissions on the data transfer folder on the Docker host before to start any transfer:

chmod -R 777 data/

Run the following command into the source agent container:

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 ls -lh /mountpath/agent20/flow1/input/new/
ls -lh data/agent10/agent20/flow1/input/new/

For your convenience the /mountpath/agent20/flow1/input/new/ directory already has some ".csv" files.

Run the following command to status of available agents:

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 fteListAgents

The output would list the agents and their status.

Before setting up resource monitor, let's verify transfer works. Submit a transfer request using fteCreateTransfer command.

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 fteCreateTransfer -p MQMFT -t binary -sa AGENT10 -sm MQMFT -da AGENT20 -dm MQMFT -de overwrite -dd "/mountpath/agent10/flow1/output/new/" "/mountpath/agent20/flow1/input/new/*"

View the status of transfer by running the mqfts utility. This utility displays transfer status by parsing capture0.log file located in source agent's log directory.

To view more details of the transfer, run mqfts -–id=<transfer id>. For example:

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 mqfts
docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 mqfts --id=414d51204d514d46542020202020202044bfbd60019b0040
ls -lh data/agent20/agent10/flow1/output/new/

6. Automate transfer with Resource monitor

Now it's time to automate transfers using a resource monitor. You will create a Directory type resource monitor that monitors a directory for certain pattern of files. It will transfer file from that directory when files of matching pattern are placed in the directory.

In the below example you will create a resource monitor on AGENT10 that monitors /mountpath/agent20/flow2/input/new directory every 15 seconds for ".csv" files and transfers them to /mountpath/agent10/flow2/output/new/ folder on the destination agent AGENT20.

The fteCreateTransfer -gt option creates a file in the current directory. You may not have access to current directory. Hence task.xml file will be created in /mountpath directory.

Now run the following commands to create transfer definition for the monitor AGENT10_AGENT20_FLOW2. Important note: The $ must be prefixed with escape character \ on bash shell, otherwise it will be ignored when the command is run.

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 fteCreateTransfer -gt /mountpath/task.xml -sa AGENT10 -sm MQMFT -da AGENT20 -dm MQMFT -sd delete -de overwrite -dd "/mountpath/agent10/flow2/output/new/" "\${FilePath}"

Then run the following command to create resource monitor:

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 fteCreateMonitor -p MQMFT -ma AGENT10 -mn AGENT10_AGENT20_FLOW2 -md "/mountpath/agent20/flow2/input/new/" -pi 15 -pu SECONDS -pt wildcard -tr "noSizeChange=2,*.csv" -f -mt /mountpath/task.xml

Verify the resource monitor creation by running the following command:

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 fteListMonitors -v -ma AGENT10 -mn AGENT10_AGENT20_FLOW2

Now that resource monitor has been created and started, exit the shell of agent10 container to come back to host systems shell.

  1. For your convenience the /mountpath/agent20/flow2/input/new/ get fake data generated randomly.

After few seconds, verify that transfer has completed, and files are indeed available in /mountpath/agent10/flow2/output/new/ output directory on AGENT20 or in the local directory data/agent20/agent10/flow2/output/new/.

You can also verify the transfer status by logging into agent10 container and running mqfts command

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 mqfts

This completes the setting up of automated transfers using resource monitors.

Logout of agent10 container shell, if you had logged in.

Resource monitor triggers a transfer only if any new files arrive in the monitored directory or any existing files are modified. To verify this, create a new .csv file by running the following command:

touch data/agent10/agent20/flow2/input/new/newsalary.csv

A transfer will be trigged when resource monitor starts the next poll. The polling interval of resource monitor is set to 15 seconds, a transfer will be triggered within 15 seconds. Verify the contents of data/agent20/agent10/flow2/output/new/ after 15 seconds.

You can also verify the resource monitor transfer triggers transfers only when files of a matching pattern arrive in the monitored folder. Create a file by running the following command

touch data/agent10/agent20/flow2/input/new/oldperks.xls

Verify the contents of data/agent10/agent20/flow2/input/new/ after 15 seconds, oldperks.xls file should not be present.

7. Other commands of Managed File Transfer

It's now time to explore other commands of Managed File Transfer

Stop resource monitor using the command:

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 fteStopMonitor -ma AGENT10 -mn AGENT10_AGENT20_FLOW2

Place new files with .csv extension in data/agent10/agent20/flow2/input/new/ on the host file system and see if the new files are transferred.

Start monitor using the command:

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 fteStartMonitor -ma AGENT10 -mn AGENT10_AGENT20_FLOW2

Verify new csv files you placed are transferred.

Stop agent using the command:

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 fteStopAgent AGENT10

Verify the container is still running.

Restart the agent using the command:

docker exec -it mftlab_agent10_1 fteStartAgent AGENT10

8. Backup a monitor

9. Delete a monitor

10. Import a monitor

11. Shutdown the lab

Once you have explored other commands of Managed File Transfer, stop all containers with the commands below

docker-compose down

12. Add an agent

If you want add an agent, you must adapt :

  1. the docker-compose.yml file,
  2. the qm image build,
  3. the agentconfig.json file
  4. and the dns zone.

Project: add a bridge agent and a SFTP server


Issued from IBM MQ Managed File Transfer Container

The Dockerfiles and associated code and scripts are licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Licenses for the products installed within the images are as follows:

  • IBM MQ Advanced for Developers (International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs). This license may be viewed from an image using the LICENSE=view environment variable as described above or by following the link above.
  • IBM MQ Advanced (International Program License Agreement). This license may be viewed from an image using the LICENSE=view environment variable as described above or by following the link above.

Note: The IBM MQ Advanced for Developers license does not permit further distribution and the terms restrict usage to a developer machine.


© Copyright IBM Corporation 2020, 2021