
Poseidon is a python-based application that leverages software defined networks (SDN) to acquire and then feed network traffic to a number of machine learning techniques. The machine learning algorithms classify and predict both the type of device and if the device is acting normally or abnormally.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Software Defined Network Situational Awareness

POSEIDON is now BlackDuck 2016 OpenSource Rookie of the year

Poseidon began as a joint effort between two of the IQT Labs: Cyber Reboot and Lab41. The project's goal is to explore approaches to better identify what nodes are on a given (computer) network and understand what they are doing. The project utilizes Software Defined Networking and machine learning to automatically capture network traffic, extract relevant features from that traffic, perform classifications through trained models, convey results, and provide mechanisms to take further action. While the project works best leveraging modern SDNs, parts of it can still be used with little more than packet capture (pcap) files.

Table of Contents


The Poseidon project originally began as an experiment to test the merits of leveraging SDN and machine learning techniques to detect abnormal network behavior. (Please read our blogs posts linked below for several years of background) While that long-term goal remains, the unfortunate reality is that the state of rich, labelled, public, and MODERN network data sets for ML training is pretty poor. Our lab is working on improving the availability of network training sets, but in the near term the project remains focused on 1) improving the accuracy of identifying what a node IS (based on captured IP header data) and 2) developing Poseidon into a "harness" of sorts to house machine learning techniques for additional use cases. (Read: Not just ours!)


  • Docker - Poseidon and related components run on top of Docker, so understanding the fundamentals will be useful for troubleshooting as well. Note: installing via Snap is currently unsupported. A Good Ubuntu Docker Quick-Start
  • Compose - Poseidon is orchestrated with docker-compose. You will need a version that supports compose file format version 3.
  • Curl - command-line for transferring data with URLs.
  • jq - command-line JSON processor.
  • An SDN Controller - specifically BigSwitch Cloud Fabric or Faucet
  • ~10GB of free disk space

Note: Installation on OS X is possible but not supported.


Permissions for Docker

To simplify using commands with Docker, we recommend allowing the user that will be executing Poseidon commands be part of the docker group so they can execute Docker commands without sudo. Typically, this can be done with:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Followed by closing the existing shell and starting a new one.

Getting the bits

NOTE: If you have previously installed Poseidon from a .deb package, please remove it first. Installation from .deb is no longer supported.

Install the poseidon script which we will use to install and manage Poseidon.

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CyberReboot/poseidon/master/bin/poseidon -o /usr/local/bin/poseidon
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/poseidon

SDN Controller Configuration

You need to first identify one of the two supported controllers (BigSwitch Cloud Fabric or Faucet). The controller needs to be running and accessible (via network API) by the Poseidon system. We recommend making sure the SDN portion is configured BEFORE the above Poseidon installation, but it's not a hard requirement.

Faucet Configuration

Poseidon requires at least Faucet version 1.8.6 or higher.

Unless Poseidon and Faucet are running on the same host, Poseidon will connect to Faucet using SSH. So you'll need to create an account that can SSH to the machine running Faucet and that has rights to modify the configuration file faucet.yaml (currently Poseidon expects it to be in the default /etc/faucet/faucet.yaml location and dps must all be defined in faucet.yaml for Poseidon to update the network posture correctly).

If you have Faucet running already, make sure Faucet is started with the following environment variables, which allow Poseidon to change its config, and receive Faucet events:


Faucet is now configured and ready for use with Poseidon.

BigSwitch Big Cloud Fabric Configuration

You will need to access the API of your Big Cloud Fabric (BCF) controller using authorized credentials (user/pass) and you will need to add support in your BCF controller for moving mirrored endpoint network data around your network. In BCF, allowing port mirroring for Poseidon is done using 1) the "span-fabric" feature and 2) identifying a switch interface to send the captured ("spanned") traffic out of. The BigSwitch config will need an admin to add:
  • span-fabric: you need to define a fabric-wide port mirroring mechanism and give it a name (e.g. 'poseidon')
  • interface-group: you need to identify which port the mirrored traffic is going to egress from, and name it (e.g. 'ig1')
Span Fabric

Replace <name> with the name of your span-fabric and <interface-group> with the name of your interface-group.

! span-fabric
span-fabric <name>
  destination interface-group <interface-group>
  priority 1
Interface Group

Replace <interface-group> with the name of your interface-group. Additionally fill in the YOUR_LEAF_SWITCH and YOUR_INTERFACE_WHERE_POSEIDON_WILL_RECORD_TRAFFIC_FROM.

! interface-group
interface-group <interface-group>
  description 'packets get mirrored here to be processed'
  mode span-fabric

Poseidon will connect to the BCF controller using its REST API, so you will also need the BCF API hostname or IP address and credentials for the controller. If your controller is an HA pair and has a virtual IP address, we recommend using that virtual address. Also, because Poseidon will be making dynamic filter rule changes we will need an account that has administrative privileges. (Poseidon only modifies the filter rules of the defined span-fabric, but until BigSwitch has more granular access control options this means admin privs!) Bringing the above configuration requirements together, below is an example of what the relevant parts of your BCF configuration could look like where the span-fabric is called 'poseidon', the user 'poseidon' is defined for API access, and the egress interface is interface '48' on switch 'leaf04' and labelled as interface group 'ig1':

! user
user poseidon
  hashed-password method=PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512,salt=M4534fcV1Ksg_fNm2pGQ,rounds=25000,ph=true,eWNHYUPVAUYosBVRguJnkmAzM

! group
group admin
  associate user poseidon

! interface-group
interface-group ig1
  description 'Mirroring for Poseidon'
  mode span-fabric
  member switch leaf04 interface ethernet48

! span-fabric
span-fabric poseidon
  destination interface-group ig1
  priority 1

BCF is now configured and ready for use with Poseidon.

Configuring Poseidon

You will need to create a directory and config file on the server where Poseidon will run.

sudo mkdir /opt/poseidon
sudo cp config/poseidon.config /opt/poseidon

Now, edit this file. You will need to set at minimum:

  • controller_type, as appropriate to the controller you are running (see above).
  • collector_nic: must be set to the interface name on the server, that is connected to the switch mirror port.
  • controller_mirror_ports: must be set to the interface on the switch that will be used as the mirror port.

Updating Poseidon

From v0.10.0, you can update an existing Poseidon installation with poseidon -u (your configuration will be preserved). Updating from previous versions is not supported - please remove and reinstall as above. You can also give poseidon -u a specific git hash if you want to update to an unreleased version.


After installation you'll have a new command poseidon available for looking at the configuration, logs, and shell, as well as stopping and starting the service.

$ poseidon help
Poseidon, an application that leverages software defined networks (SDN) to acquire and then feed network traffic to a number of machine learning techniques. For more info visit: https://github.com/CyberReboot/poseidon

Usage: poseidon [option]
    -a,  api           get url to the Poseidon API
    -c,  config        display current configuration info
    -d,  delete        delete Poseidon installation (uses sudo)
    -e,  shell         enter into the Poseidon shell, requires Poseidon to already be running
    -h,  help          print this help
    -i,  install       install Poseidon repo (uses sudo)
    -l,  logs          display the information logs about what Poseidon is doing
    -r,  restart       restart the Poseidon service (uses sudo)
    -s,  start         start the Poseidon service (uses sudo)
    -S,  stop          stop the Poseidon service (uses sudo)
    -u,  update        update Poseidon repo, optionally supply a version (uses sudo)
    -v,  viz/visualize get url to visualize Poseidon with CRviz
    -V,  version       get the version installed

Step 0:

Optionally specify a prefix location to install Poseidon by setting an environment variable, if it is unset, it will default to /opt and Poseidon. (If using Faucet, it will also override /etc locations to this prefix.)


Step 1:

poseidon install

Step 2:

Configure Poseidon for your preferred settings. Open /opt/poseidon/poseidon.config (add the Poseidon prefix if you specified one).

If you're planning to use BCF, change values in the Poseidon and Bcf sections. If using Faucet, make sure to minimally change the controller_mirror_ports to match the switch name and port number of your mirror port. Regardless of which controller you choose, you will need to update the collector_nic in the poseidon section to match the interface name of the NIC your mirror port is connected to.

Step 3:

If you want to Poseidon to spin up Faucet for you as well, simply run:

poseidon start

Otherwise, if using BCF or your own installation of Faucet (note you'll need to wire together the event socket and config reload options yourself if you go this path):

poseidon start --standalone


Poseidon by its nature depends on other systems. The following are some common issues and troubleshooting steps.

Poseidon doesn't detect any hosts.

The most common cause of this problem, with the FAUCET controller, is RabbitMQ connectivity.

  • Check that the RabbitMQ event adapter (faucet/event-adapter-rabbitmq) is running and not restarting.
# docker ps|grep faucet/event-adapter-rabbitmq
4a7509829be0        faucet/event-adapter-rabbitmq           "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   3 days ago          Up 3 days
  • Check that FAUCET.Event messages are being received by Poseidon.

This command reports the time that the most recent FAUCET.Event message was received by Poseidon.

If run repeatedly over a couple of minutes this timestamp should increase.

docker exec -it poseidon_poseidon_1 /bin/sh
/poseidon # wget -q -O- localhost:9304|grep -E ^last_rabbitmq_routing_key_time.+FAUCET.Event
last_rabbitmq_routing_key_time{routing_key="FAUCET.Event"} 1.5739482267393966e+09
/poseidon # wget -q -O- localhost:9304|grep -E ^last_rabbitmq_routing_key_time.+FAUCET.Event
last_rabbitmq_routing_key_time{routing_key="FAUCET.Event"} 1.5739487978768678e+09
/poseidon # exit

Poseidon doesn't report any host roles.

  • Check that the mirror interface is up and receiving packets (should be configured in collector_nic. The interface must be up before Posiedon starts.
# ifconfig enx0023559c2781
enx0023559c2781: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet6 fe80::223:55ff:fe9c:2781  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:23:55:9c:27:81  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 82979981  bytes 77510139268 (77.5 GB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 202  bytes 15932 (15.9 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
  • Check that there is disk space available and pcaps are being accumulated in /opt/poseidon_files (add POSEIDON_PREFIX in front if it was used.)
# find /opt/poseidon_files -type f -name \*pcap |head -5


Modifying Code that Runs in a Docker Container

If installed as described above, poseidon's codebase will be at /opt/poseidon. At this location, make changes, then run poseidon restart.

Network Data Logging

Poseidon logs some data about the network it monitors. Therefore it is important to secure Poseidon's own host (aside from logging, Poseidon can of course change FAUCET's network configuration).

There are two main types of logging at the lowest level. The first is FAUCET events - FAUCET generates an event when it learns on which port a host is present on the network, and the event includes source and destination Ethernet MAC and IP addresses (if present). For example:

2019-11-21 20:18:41,909 [DEBUG] faucet - got faucet message for l2_learn: {'version': 1, 'time': 1574367516.3555572, 'dp_id': 1, 'dp_name': 'x930', 'event_id': 172760, 'L2_LEARN': {'port_no': 22, 'previous_port_no': None, 'vid': 254, 'eth_src': '0e:00:00:00:00:99', 'eth_dst': '0e:00:00:00:00:01', 'eth_type': 2048, 'l3_src_ip': '', 'l3_dst_ip': ''}}

The second type of logging is host based pcap captures, with most of the application (L4) payload removed. Poseidon causes the ncapture component (https://github.com/CyberReboot/network-tools/tree/master/network_tap/ncapture) to capture traffic, which is logged in /opt/poseidon_files. These are used in turn to learn host roles, etc.

Related Components

Additional Info