
Used to run a full psibase core development environment

MIT LicenseMIT


This tool is primarily for the developers on the Fractally team, or other developers who:

  1. Are building Psibase system or user services / applets (Contributing directly to the fractally/psibase monorepo)
  2. Are using VSCode as their IDE
  3. Want to build psibase/psidk/psinode from source, rather than use the precompiled binaries


  1. VSCode installed on your development PC
  2. git installed & configured on your development PC
  3. Microsoft's Dev Containers VSCode extension has been installed

How to use

  1. Clone this psibase-contributor repo to your development PC.
  2. Open this repo in vscode
  3. Execute the VSCode command to relaunch this repository inside a Docker container
    Reopen in Container
  4. Run a full build by clicking the corresponding button in the status bar at the bottom of the window in VSCode
    Execute Build

Note on HTTPS

Running psinode using a database with the name "psinode_db" within the container will use a psinode config file located in your dev environment at $PSINODE_PATH/psinode_db/config. This is configured to automatically run psinode locally over https. Http is exposed within the container at port 8079, but the 8080 exposed outside the container is https.

Make sure to install the root cert located in this repo at local-certs/rootCA.pem (local-certs/rootCA.pem.crt for Windows users) as a Trusted Root Certificate Authority to ensure your browser doesn't complain when accessing psinode over https. The certificate is generated after the container is built for the first time.

Workflow loop

In general, your workflow will be to open this psibase contributor repo, relaunch it inside a container, do all develoment activities, commit/push from within the VSCode-integrated bash terminal, close VSCode when finished (this closes the container. All work is saved unless you delete the corresponding docker volume).

Development data location

All source code and build files are stored within a named docker volume. This data is accessible from within the container or alternatively through Docker Desktop.


Occasionally, you should use git pull in your psibase-contributor directory in order to pull the latest changes to the build environment or external tooling. After updating psibase-contributor, you should run Rebuild Without Cache and Reopen in Container when relaunching your container in order to load the changes into your development environment.


The environment in the container set up for you by this tool has many helpful features that simplify the development of Psibase services & applets. Regardless of what VSCode extensions you have locally installed, this development environment is opinionated and will install several VSCode extensions into the container for you. These extensions are for:

  • Language support, auto-formatting, intellisense, refactoring tools (C++, Rust, Javascript, Typescript, Markdown)
  • Showing custom build buttons in the VSCode status bar
  • Version control tools: checking git history, blames, diffs, commit IDs, branch diagrams, etc.


Windows memory consumption

If you're on Windows, using Docker Desktop with WSL2, it is likely that the WSL2 process will chew up an enormous amount of memory on your PC. This is a known issue with Docker Desktop with WSL2 on Windows.

The solution is simply to:

  1. Shut down docker desktop
  2. Run wsl --shutdown from a command prompt
  3. Create a .wslconfig file in %userprofile% if it doesn't exist
  4. Add the following config to the .wslconfig file
  1. That's it. Save the file and restart Docker Desktop, and now WSL2 is limited to only consume a maximum of 8GB. If you encounter any hang-ups or freezes when building, try bumping the memory limit higher.

Mac disk space issue

There are max volume size limits in Docker Desktop for Mac configurable in the Settings > Resources tab. Building psibase from source requires a large amount of disk space for all the various artifacts that are produced, so if you have disk space problems, this is where you can go to bump up the volume size limits.