
An endpoint that emulate sanity image CDN behavior but return placeholder image instead

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is it?

A proxy to use Sanity @sanity/image-url helper with fake image. Usefull in tests or storybook.

It uses Cloudinary to apply image transformations on the fly.

How to use it?

Use this proxy service as the baseUrl when you create the imageUrlBuilder instanse:

import imageUrlBuilder from "@sanity/image-url";

const myConfiguredSanityClient = {
  /* ... */

const builder = imageUrlBuilder(myConfiguredSanityClient).withOptions({
  baseUrl: "https://fake-sanity-image-cdn.vercel.app/proxy/",



For now this project target on not breaking layout where the proxified image is used.

This means only the image width (with the document width, and the query parameter w and max-w) and image height (with the document height, and the query parameter h and max-h) are preserved.

Local environment


# Install dependencies
$ yarn install

## Pull localy the dev environment from vercel (for @gogaille team)
$ yarn vercel login
$ yarn vercel env pull
# OR
## Create a `.env` file at the repository root with your Cloudinary cloud name
$ echo "CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME=\"foo\"" > .env


$ vercel dev