
Swagger wrapper for GoFrame project.

Primary LanguageGo


This repository is not maintained anymore.

Please use the latest v2 version of goframe for automatic API generating and swagger UI feature.



Provides swagger API document feature for GoFrame project.


1. Install gf cli tool

Download and install gf cli tool: https://github.com/gogf/gf/tree/master/cmd/gf

2. Install gf-swagger

go get -u github.com/gogf/swagger/v2

3. Produce and pack swagger.json

Use v1 version command gf swagger --pack parses and produces the /swagger/swagger.json file and packs it to /packed/swagger.go.

You can also use gf run main.go --swagger -y running your codes with hot-compiled-like feature and automatically packs the swagger files into your project.

4. Use the swagger plugin

Install the swagger using as plugin:

package main

import (

func main() {
    s := g.Server()

Start your server and visit:


Comment and configuration

As the swagger files parsed and produced by third party tool, you can get details about comment at: https://github.com/swaggo/swag .

GF swagger feature also supports configuration from file with swagger node. Supported configuration item names of the node please refer to the attribute names of Swagger struct: https://godoc.org/github.com/gogf/swagger/v2