Running the MPI spawn in multinode setting: 1. Set up the environment in the interactive session kardos@icsnode05 (master):~/misc/dynamicMPI$ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) use.own 2) gcc/6.1.0 3) openmpi/2.0.1 2. Configure the MCA components to use the "tcp", "sm" and "self" BTLs for the transport of MPI messages, with TCP restricting only the eth0 interface to communicate and using ob1 as p2p management layer. There are multiple ways how to do it, either see the mpirun parameters in point 3) or create the configure file as shown below ( kardos@icsmaster01 (master):~/misc/dynamicMPI$ cat $HOME/.openmpi/mca-params.conf btl_tcp_if_include = eth0 pml = ob1 btl = tcp,sm,self 3. Run the code mpirun --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 --mca pml ob1 --mca btl tcp,sm,self -np 1 --hostfile my_hosts ./manager 2 or mpirun -tune my_mca_setting --hostfile my_hosts -np 1 ./manager 2 #uses my_mca_setting config file or mpirun -np 1 -hostfile my_hosts ./manager 2 #uses the config file from point 2)