Scripts for Marchantia II paper, mainly transcriptomics
Analysis of differentially expressed genes in M.polymorpha-P.palmivora (ARI-tdTomato) timecourse (1,2,3 and 4 dpi with correspondent mock samples).
Volcano plots for pair-wise comparisons;
Upset plots for up- and down-regulated genes;
Heatmap, showing overall expression patterns of DEGs, identified in all pair-wise comparisons.
This script requires 2 input data files:
- raw countsdata/sample_table_Mpolymorpha.csv
- description of samples and conditions in M.polymorpha-P.palmivora (ARI-tdTomato) timecourse
Analysis of differentially expressed genes in N.benthamiana-P.palmivora (ARI-tdTomato) timecourse (14,24,48 and 72 hpi with correspondent mock samples).
Volcano plots for pair-wise comparisons;
Upset plots for up- and down-regulated genes;
Heatmap, showing overall expression patterns of DEGs, identified in all pair-wise comparisons.
This script requires 2 input data files:
- raw countsdata/sample_table_Nbenthamiana.csv
- description of samples and conditions in M.benthamiana-P.palmivora (ARI-tdTomato) timecourse
DEG analysis, filter genes by adjusted p-value, keep all LFC
parse OrthoDinfer outputs
visualise expression patterns of single-copy orthologs during comparable stages of infection
This script requires the following input files:
- raw countsdata/sample_table_Mpolymorpha.csv
- description of samples and conditions in M.polymorpha-P.palmivora (ARI-tdTomato) timecoursedata/FeartureCounts_STAR_Nbenthamiana.csv
- raw countsdata/sample_table_Nbenthamiana.csv
- description of samples and conditions in M.benthamiana-P.palmivora (ARI-tdTomato) timecourseOrthogroups.csv
- raw output from OrthoFinder, orthogroups between M.polymorpha and N.benthamianaSingleCopyOrthogroups.txt
- list of orthogroups with single-copy genes in M.polymorpha and N.benthamianaMpolymorpha_tidy_annotation.csv
- summary tidy functional annotation for M.polymorpha