An example of using Go gRPC and tools from the greater gRPC ecosystem together with the GoGo Protobuf Project.
- 1
Open source license missing?
#37 opened by mike-jm - 1
- 1
error occurred
#34 opened by jackey925 - 5
- 5
FieldMask demo is wrong
#31 opened by tzachshabtay - 1
AddUser method panics
#29 opened by sevein - 1
Code generation a royal pain
#26 opened by bsakweson - 2
make generate produces an error on centos
#25 opened by kadisi - 0
make generate produces an error on MacOS
#23 opened by davidklassen - 0
Add client example
#20 opened by johanbrandhorst - 1
Investigate issue with using grpc-gateway with gogoproto.stdtime = true
#18 opened by johanbrandhorst - 3
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How is the OpenAPI UI generated?
#14 opened by yurishkuro - 1
Investigate whether gogo/googleapis types implementing MessageName work with grpc/status
#12 opened by johanbrandhorst - 45
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Create a unit test and a travis job
#3 opened by awalterschulze