Repository for working through Build An Orchestrator in Go
- Go Version: 1.17
- Orchestrator
- Automates deploying, scaling & managing containers.
- Task
- Smallest unit of work.
- Should specify it's needs for memory, CPU & disk.
- What to do in case of failure (restart_policy).
- Name of container image used to run the task.
- Smallest unit of work.
- Job (not included in this implementation)
- Group of tasks to perform a set of functions.
- Should specify details at a higher level than tasks.
- Each task that makes up the job.
- Which data centers the job should run in.
- The type of job.
- Scheduler
- Decides which machine can best host the tasks defined.
- Could be a process within the machine or possibly a different service.
- Decisions can vary in model complexity from round-robin to score calculation based on variables and deciding node by best score
- Detrmine set of candidate machines to run task
- Score machines from best to worst
- Pick machine with best score
- Manager
- Brain of orchestrator & main entry point
- Jobs go to manager, manager uses scheduler to determine where to run job.
- Can gather metrics, to use for scheduling.
- Accept requests from users to start/stop tasks
- Schedule tasks onto worker machines
- Keep track of tasks, states & the machine they run on
- Worker
- Runs the tasks assigned to it, attempts task restarts on failure, makes metrics about task and machine health for master
- Runs asks as containers
- Accepts tasks to run from manager
- provides relevant statistics to the manager to schedule tasks
- Keeps track of tasks & their state
- Runs the tasks assigned to it, attempts task restarts on failure, makes metrics about task and machine health for master
- Cluster
- Logical grouping of all above components.
- Main user interface
- Start/Stop Tasks
- Get status of tasks
- See state of machines
- Start manager
- Start worker
- Main user interface