Level 8 You hear the mumbling of wizards. Beware of their deadly wands! Good thing you found a bow. Tip: Use warrior.look to determine your surroundings, and warrior.shoot! to fire an arrow. ------ |@ Cww>| ------ > = Stairs @ = gogromat (20 HP) C = Captive (1 HP) w = Wizard (3 HP) Warrior Abilities: warrior.look Returns an array of up to three Spaces in the given direction (forward by default). warrior.shoot! Shoot your bow & arrow in given direction (forward by default). warrior.pivot! Rotate :left, :right or :backward (default) warrior.rescue! Rescue a captive from his chains (earning 20 points) in given direction (forward by default). warrior.health Returns an integer representing your health. warrior.rest! Gain 10% of max health back, but do nothing more. warrior.feel Returns a Space for the given direction (forward by default). warrior.attack! Attacks a unit in given direction (forward by default). warrior.walk! Move in the given direction (forward by default). When you're done editing player.rb, run the rubywarrior command again.