vue-msgbox is a message box (like Sweet Alert) for vue.js.
import MessageBox from 'vue-msgbox';
MessageBox("Good job!", "You clicked the button!", "success");// title, message, type
Or pass an object as options, and second parameter as callback:
title: 'I\'m a title',
message: 'I\'m a message',
type: 'success',
showCancelButton: true
}, function(action) {
console.log('callback:', action);
MessageBox('Clicked: ' + action);
title: 'I\'m a title',
message: 'I\'m a message',
type: 'success',
showCancelButton: true
}).then(function(action) {
console.log('callback:', action);
MessageBox('Clicked: ' + action);
MessageBox.alert(message, title, options);
MessageBox.alert('message').then(function(action) {
If user press cancel button, then this promise will be rejected.
MessageBox.confirm(message, title, options);
MessageBox.confirm('message').then(function(action) {
If user press cancel button, then this promise will be rejected.
MessageBox.prompt(message, title, options);
MessageBox.prompt('message').then(function(value, cation) {
Option | Description |
title | The title of MessageBox. |
message | The content of MessageBox. |
type | The status type of MessageBox: success, warning, error |
showConfirmButton | Boolean(default true) visible of confirm button. |
showCancelButton | Boolean(default false) visible of cancel button. |
confirmButtonText | The text of confirm button. |
cancelButtonText | The text of cancel button. |
confirmButtonClass | Extra className of confirm button. |
cancelButtonClass | Extra className of cancel button. |
showInput | Boolean(default false) visible of input. |
inputValue | value of input. |
inputPlaceholder | placeholder of input. |
inputPattern | Regexp(default null). validation pattern of input. |
inputErrorMessage | error message when inputPattern test inputValue failed. |