Wordchain Breadth First Search

Wordchain is an implementation of a breadth-first-search algorithm that given 2 words, start and end word, will find the shortest chain (if possible to find) that connects this two words. In each step the next word can differ from previous with one letter. See more detailed describtion of problem here : Word Chains

Examples: Start: 'ruby' End: 'code' Result: [ruby rube robe rode code]

Run the program and tests

Please make sure you have go installed Clone the repo and go to wordchain-breadth-first-search/src directory

$ git clone git@github.com:gohargasparyan/wordchain-breadth-first-search.git
$ cd wordchain-breadth-first-search/src

I have added 2 cases in main.go, so run to see the results

$ go run .

to run the tests from src dir

$  go test -test.v  

or from the project root

$  go test ./... -test.v


In order to run benchmarks from src dir

$  go test -bench=.

or from the project root

$  go test ./... -bench=.

You will see that the word chain runs under a second (aprx. 0.17 second). You will also notice that running the word chain forwards and backwards (e.g. “lead” into “gold” and “gold” into “lead”) takes take slightly different time (aprx. 0.05 seconds difference)

Things could be further improved

  • Add convenient CLI