
Interpreter, possibly compiler in the future, for Human Resource Machine programming game

Primary LanguageRuby


I recently bought the Human Resource Machine game from a Humble Bundle sale.

Then I was challenged by my mentor to write an interpreter for the instructions in the game, so I did.

Data Files

To run the interpreter, 3 files are required.

Initialize VM

The format of the file for initializing VM is:


For example:


will initialize the memory space with size 25, and the constants A ... E will occupy memory address 24 ... 19.

Visually, it will look like this:

[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, 'E', 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A']


The game itself allows copying the instructions into plain text, which can be pasted into any text editor.

Remove the -- HUMAN RESOURCE MACHINE PROGRAM -- comment and all DEFINE COMMENT and DEFINE LABEL instructions. Also, add END to the last line of the instructions.

For example:

    JUMP     a

is a valid format.

Possibly in the future, I will try to ignore -- comments and DEFINE instructions. However, the interpreter won't run correctly without the END instruction, so it has to be there for now.


The inputs will be just a line of strings or numbers separated by space.

For example:

U N S E T 0 U N I T S 0

is a valid format.

Running the Interpreter


To run, you must provide all 3 files as arguments to the program.

For example:

./interpreter.py --init init_vm.txt --cmd commands.txt --input inputs.txt

To print the memory allocation and instructions being run in the process, set the -v flag:

./interpreter.py --init init_vm.txt --cmd commands.txt --input inputs.txt -v

Otherwise, the interpreter will just print the input and output.


There are 2 ways to run the Ruby interpreter:


  1. Open irb in the ruby/hrm directory.

  2. Run command load 'app.rb'.

  3. Run command HRM::App.interpret(init_filename, commands_filename, inputs_filename).

Command Line

To run, you must provide all 3 files as arguments to the program.

For example:

./hrm_cli.rb --init init_vm.txt --cmd commands.txt --input inputs.txt

To print the memory allocation and instructions being run in the process, set the -v flag:

./hrm_cli.rb --init init_vm.txt --cmd commands.txt --input inputs.txt -v

Otherwise, the interpreter will just print the input and output.

Known Issues

1. I still can't quite get character conversion to work properly. (See commit 5512deb71251682f312bbff5d30940e9a69ef2c6) 2. I need to find out how to terminate the program properly without having the END instruction.

Have fun with the interpreter! Feel free to file issues to suggest improvements to the interpreter as well.