
NeoVim configuration files

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Setting up nvim from scratch


I've decided to build nvim from source instead of installing from Homebrew because I've had the experience of running brew install <package> which attempted to update all existing packages, thus breaking something in my nvim. Since nvim is such a critical tool I use for my living, I want to minimize the risk of it breaking and having to spend time figuring out how to fix it.

Building from source

Reference: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Building-Neovim

The steps from the official wiki are mostly applicable as-is. A few things to note when building in MacOS:

  • Remember to have xcode-select installed.
  • Remember to have Homebrew installed.
  • Remember to have git installed

After building nvim successfully, you should see that the executable is installed under /usr/local/bin/nvim. Make sure you have set your $PATH to /usr/local/bin and restarted your bash session. Then you should be able to launch nvim.


Reference: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Configuration

I decided to start from scratch, so I didn't use the nvim-from-vim guide. Here's how I configure from scratch.

  • Create a nvimfiles directory (that is this repository) in my usual workspace.
  • Then create a symbolink .config/nvim pointing to the nvimfiles directory above. This will tell nvim where to load its configurations.
  • I use https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim for plugin management, so the directory structure is setup accordingly. (This is my personal convention according to my own usage logic.)
├── init.lua // entry point for loading plugins
├── lazy-lock.json // lock file for plugins
├── lua // lua scripts
│   └── conf // plugin configurations
│       ├── lazy.lua // package manager configs
│       ├── mappings.lua // functions for key mappings
│       ├── settings.lua // global key bindings
│       ├── <...>.lua // plugin specific key bindings and configs
│       └── telescope.lua // plugin specific key bindings and configs
└── plugins // plugin installation, should be .gitignore-d
    ├── diffview.nvim
    ├── ...
    └── telescope.nvim