
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A full-stack responsive social media platform application with the following features:

  1. Post Images
  2. Like/ Dislike Post
  3. Follow/ Unfollow Users
  4. multi-users chat capability using socket io Self-practice project to improve my development skills.

Social Media App built with:

  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • Socket io

Styled primarily using:

  • Material UI
  • CSS Flexbox

Authorisation & Authentication:

  • JWT Tokens
  • Utilised useContext hooks, Redux and Dispatch to pass user credentials to authorised routes.

Other packages or libraries used:

  • dotenv
  • mongoose
  • nodemon
  • multer
  • helmet

Mongoose Schemas:

  • User: { username, email, password, profilePicture, coverPicture, followers, followings, isAdmin, timestamp}
  • Conversations: {members(which is array of users), timestamp}
  • Messages: {conversationId, sender, text, timestamp}
  • Posts: { userId, desc, img, likes, timestamp}


Lama Dev