Rated Test Task

This Next.js application fetches and displays cryptocurrency exchange data from the CoinGecko API in a paginated table format. The data is server-side rendered (SSR)

Live Demo

Check out the live demo deployed on Vercel🤖

How to Run

To run the app locally:

git clone https://github.com/goingtogogo/rated-test-task.git
cd rated
npm i
npm run dev 

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


  • Server-side rendering (SSR) with Next.js
  • Data fetching and caching using swr library, which also includes automatic request retries on errors
  • Table rendering with React-table, a powerful headless UI library that provides rapid scalability
  • Styled using Styled Components inspired by Rated's color palette and styling🍬
  • Server-side pagination controls for the table, displaying 15 exchanges per page
  • Proper routing using Next.js for paginated data
  • Error handling for API fetch failures, including handling of API rate limiting (429 errors)
  • Ensured mobile-friendly design, with basic styles added to enhance mobile device viewing
  • Basic Jest tests included

Technologies Used

  • Next.js
  • swr
  • React-table
  • Styled Components
  • Jest and React-Testing-Library