
The API for The Liturgists app.

Primary LanguagePHP

The Liturgists API

This is the project for the api provider for The Liturgists App written in Laravel.

Getting Started

Here are the instructions to getting your development environment up and running.


You will need Docker. We recommend that you download the app from here. For a great intro tutorial checkout this.

Also, before running the app for the first time, copy the .env.example file to a file named .env in the project root.

That's it!

Running the App

Once you have Docker installed, the git repo cloned, and a .env file you can run the develop bash script from your project directory.


# start the docker containers
./develop up -d

# generate a laravel app key
./develop artisan key:generate

# create and seed the database
./develop artisan migrate --seed

Then go to http://localhost:8080 to view the running Laravel app.

Develop Bash Script

The develop script has some nifty shortcuts.


If the first argument of the develop script is art or artisan then everything will be passed to php artisan. For example:

./develop art make:model


If the first argument of the develop script is composer then everything will be passed to php composer.phar. For example:

./develop composer require some/package


If the first argument of the develop script is test then everything will be passed to phpunit.phar. There is even an extra super-duper shortcut. If your containers are already running then you can just type develop t and it will use the running containers instead of spinning up extra ones. For example:

./develop test

# if containers already running
./develop t

Everything Else

Any other arguments passed to develop will get forwarded to the docker-compose command. And if you don't provide any arguments it will default to ps and just show you which containers are currently running. For example:

# spin up containers
./develop up -d

# show running containers
# or

# shut down containers
./develop down