Digital Health Service Components

We need to see the major components of a digital health service from data to data use to decision-making.

Much like the OSI model (, the open source digital health service components is a stack of common elements and terms.

In-progress whack-a-prototype:

Terminology wiki:

1 line definition a high schooler can understand, followed by 2-3 sentences of details, ending with 1-3 real, visual examples + references.


The current Figma design:

The web viewer and README can be found in:

Please comment and give feedback.

Web Viewer Instructions

Please note the website is contained in the root folder docs/. The reason it's set up this way so that github-pages will automatically build the contents of that folder, and make the preview available.

NOTE: The instructions below are written primarily for UNIX based operating systems.

  1. Make sure you have Node.js >14 installed. If you have different projects with different node requirements, a tool like nvm can help you switch between versions.
  2. This project uses yarn, a package manager. You can install yarn globally on your system with npm, with the terminal command:
npm install -g yarn

(If the command does not work, you may need to run sudo infront of it, followed by your password as prompted. This is because yarn is being installed globally on your system.)

  1. To install dependencies, navigate into the web folder, and enter:

(If running this does not immediately work, close your terminal window and re-open it, so that the yarn command is added to the command line.)

  1. Now, whenever you want to run the project and develop, run:
yarn dev

This spins up a quick little server using the http-server package, and runs babel to listen to changes in the .jsx files and compiles them to .js.

  1. Head on over to http://localhost:8080/ in your favorite browser and you should see the site running locally!

  2. Give a co-worker a compliment.

Deploy to GitHub Pages Preview

GitHub Pages is currently set to preview the content in the docs folder. Just push to master!

Once you've pushed, check the build status, and after a few minutes, you should be able to preview it on: