
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

  _________ __          _____  _______________.__
 /   _____//  |______ _/ ____\/ ____\______   \  | _____    ____  
 \_____  \\   __\__  \\   __\\   __\ |     ___/  | \__  \  /    \
 /        \|  |  / __ \|  |   |  |   |    |   |  |__/ __ \|   |  \
/_______  /|__| (____  /__|   |__|   |____|   |____(____  /___|  /
        \/           \/                                 \/     \/

Setup Instructions

Note: This guide is assuming you are running OSX Lion


  1. Install homebrew: https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/wiki/installation
  2. brew install postgresql git rbenv ruby-build


  1. TODO: customizations still needed?


  1. rbenv install 2.1.2


  1. Clone the repo from github, git clone git@github.com:rescuedcode/StaffPlan.git
  2. cd to the app and bundle
  3. rake db:create
  4. bootstrap local database using prod data: heroku pg:transfer --to postgres://localhost/staff_plan_development --app staffplan 1. (You may heroku credentials for this. You'll also need to be given permission explicitly.)
  5. run the app!: bundle exec rails s

For guidance to incorporate StaffPlan into your organization, contact us at hello@goinvo.com.