I am fascinated by 🌎 Web 3.0 because of my WebRTC background. I got interested in Web 3.0 because of my fascination with networks πŸ•ΈοΈ - not just any networks, but decentralized networks. I begun researching how Web 3.0 and WebRTC can be combined to create a more resilient network that is user-centric. I'm also interested in Tokenomics and how to make sure that there is a fair distribution of value in a system like this.

🌎 I am passionate about Frontend development, and I have experience with React, Vue, Svelte, Redux, and webpack. 🌱 I am always looking for new ways to improve the user experience, and I focus on well-tested and maintainable code. πŸ‘― In my free time, I love experimenting with new technologies and learning about different cultures.

πŸ“« You can find some of my open source projects below:

🎯 My goal this year is to spend more time understanding video streaming technology and ways in which the Web can be utilized as a plartform for this.

πŸ’¬ Ask me about open source, Web 3.0, React, TypeScript and Javascript.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at brianlemba2@gmail.com or visit my site website

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