Game Testing Survey Artifacts

This repo contains artifacts for Bughunting on a Budget: Improving Quality Assurance Practices and Tools for Indie Game Developers. Below is a description of the layout of this repo and pertinent information for interpreting the contents.

File Layout

│      │──indie_codes_and_themes.pdf
│      │──nonindie_codes_and_themes.pdf
│      └──open_text_responses.xlsx 
│      │──demographic_information_graphs\
│      │──likert_bargraphs_by_type\
│      │──likert_boxplots_by_type\
│      │──mannwhitney.csv
│      │──deltas.csv
│      └──project_information_graphs\
│      │──
│      │──data\
│      │──
│      └──

Prompt Codes to Survey Questions

In some of the intermediary materials, we refer to prompts using codes (e.g., Perf1) instead of specifying the survey question (e.g., (Q22-a)). The table below shows the conversions between codes and question numbers:

Code Question Category
Perf 1-8 (Q22, a-h) Performance
Plan 1-9 (Q24, a-i) Planning
Goals 1-4 (Q26, a-d) Goals
Auto 1-10 (Q28, a-j) Automation
Tools 1-6 (Q30, a-f) Tools
Out 1-6 (Q32, a-f) Outputs/Results
Res 1-9 (Q34, a-i) Resources


Root Directory
  • qualitative\ contains files from the qualitative analysis.

  • quantitative\ contains files from the quantitative analysis.

  • scripts\ contains the Python scripts for performing analyses and generating graphs.

  • response_data_processed.csv is the output from the survey, cleaned up and anonymized. Responses under the Likert-like scale prompts are: (-1) Unknown, (0) Not Applicable, (1) Strongly Disagree, (2) Disagree, (3) Neither agree nor disagree, (4) Agree, or (5) Strongly Agree.

  • indie_codes_and_themes.pdf is the export of the mindmap where codes from indie open-ended text responses were organized into themes.

    • Themes branch from the central 'Indie' block and are [BRACKETED AND CAPITALIZED]
    • Codes are in regular case
    • Two or more +s preceding a code mean that the code was mentioned as many times as there are plus-symbols
    • An IV: prefix is attached to codes that were captured in vivo, or in the respondent's own words
    • Dotted lines connect codes that were related in the responses, such as a cause-and-effect relationship.
  • nonindie_codes_and_themes.pdf is the same as above but for non-indies.

  • open_text_responses.xlsx is the Excel sheet where responses were coded.

    • Codes are written in-line with the text in [bold, bracketed] format.
    • Underlined portions were salient examples, some of which were quoted in the thesis
  • demographic_information_graphs\ contains two graphs from demographic information responses
  • likert_bargraphs_by_type\ contains 52 bar graphs of indie and non-indie responses per prompt
    • NA on the x-axis is the sum of both 0 and -1 responses for that prompt
  • likert_boxplots_by_type\ contains 52 boxplots of indie and non-indie responses per prompt
    • The bold line on each boxplot is the median
  • mannwhitney.csv is the output of running Mann-Whitney U-tests using Scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu()
  • deltas.csv is the output of our medians comparison, where delta = Median_nonindie - Median_indie
  • project_information_graphs\ contains four graphs of data from project information responses
  • contains runtime configuration parameters for the script and should not be changed. The CONFIG['ALPHA'] parameter sets the alpha level for the Mann-Whitney U-tests
  • data\ contains the input files needed for analysis and graph generation.
    • Video Game Testing Survey FINAL.csv is the data export from the survey
    • Indie.csv is the manually-separated data for Indie responses
    • Non-Indie.csv is the manually-separated data for Non-Indie responses
  • takes the survey data export and cleans it up in preparation for analyses and graphs
  • requirements.txt shows the package requirements for these scripts
  • is a data class for handling survey data
  • is the script that performs analyses and generates graphs
  • is a collection of utilities used for these scripts.

Running the Scripts


These scripts run the analyses and create the graphs used in the thesis. Using these scripts involves a two-step process due to a manual step we take in between for classifying and organizing the projects received.

  • These scripts were written using Python 3.8.9 and we recommend using Python 3.8 or higher.
  • Required packages and the version we use:
    • matplotlib 3.5.1
    • numpy 1.22.0
    • pandas 1.3.5
    • scipy 1.8.0

They can all be installed using a single command: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Survey Data Cleanup

Usage: python3

This command, issued in the scripts/ folder, takes the survey data export and transforms it into a more readable and usable format. The output from this script is saved to output/output.csv and the format of the output is nearly identical to the response_data_processed.csv in the root directory. The latter file is slightly manually processed to better organize the second and third projects submitted by some respondents.

Analyses and Graphs

Usage: python3

This command, issued in the scripts/ folder, runs the delta comparisons and Mann-Whitney U-tests and outputs their results to output/deltas.csv and output/mannwhitney.csv respectively. These are identical to the files found in the quantitative/ directory. They also generate all of the demographic, project information, and prompt-based graphs which are saved to graphs/. These graphs are also identical to the ones found in the quantitative director. Note that these scripts use prompt codes for convenience, which can be converted to survey question numbers using the table provided above.