
initial working image conversion

Primary LanguageC#


This C# ASP.Net web app converts files in the local ./images/ directory, or provided via URL, to 24 bit BMP files.

Why BMP files? Well, they are the simplest to decode and currently the only supported format for my Desktop Dashboard ESP8266 app that uses an ILI9341 SPI display module as seen here.


See this app in use at: https://imageconvert2bmp20210518160938.azurewebsites.net/

previously published at http://gojimmypi-dev-imageconvert2bmp.azurewebsites.net/ but associated with deactivated / expired Azure subscription. :/

How to use

There's some built-in help that should be displayed when no parameters are provided:

targetHttpImage=[http link to image]


targetImageName=[file name in server ./images/ directory].

Optional resizing (specify only 1 to maintain aspect ratio, )

newImageSizeX=[new X-dimension scale]

newImageSizeY=[new Y-dimension scale]


See examples here.

Local web image

Image image.png hosted on local web site:


Above image passed as a parameter:


Above image passed as parameter, and scaled to 42px:


Web link image

Image _92466284_img-20161116-wa0085.jpg on BBC news site: http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/304/cpsprodpb/BC8A/production/_92466284_img-20161116-wa0085.jpg

Above image passed as targetHttpImage parameter, scaled to 80px via newImageSizeX: https://imageconvert2bmp20210518160938.azurewebsites.net/default.aspx?newImageSizeX=80&targetHttpImage=http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/304/cpsprodpb/BC8A/production/_92466284_img-20161116-wa0085.jpg

Source code: https://github.com/gojimmypi/imageConvert2BMP