Pinned issues
- 7
Question: Does -m mode support tcpdump parameters such as `-C file_size`、`-c count` etc
#670 opened by chilli13 - 4
- 5
OpenSSL/BoringSSL version not found
#678 opened by whoamiecho - 7
arp packet found in pcap file on tls -m pcap mode
#673 opened by chilli13 - 6
- 7
- 2
libnss3 hook failed
#662 opened by cfc4n - 2
- 13
以明文形式捕获 tls 内容时部分信息展示不正确
#609 opened by xxxxxliil - 2
Ask for ecapture usage limitations on CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF=N linux environment
#674 opened by chilli13 - 2
#651 opened by LLIIUUKE - 0
- 23
SM-S908N 尝试抓 tls 包时手机画面冻结并重启
#601 opened by xxxxxliil - 0
The uprobe type hook uses the wrong offset address
#664 opened by cfc4n - 2
#658 opened by tengliu0929 - 4
如何为 openssl 3.4.0 增加支持?
#656 opened by xxxxxliil - 2
- 2
#655 opened by ench2 - 21
Failed to capture HTTPS traffic
#622 opened by NPC2000 - 0
pcap mode capture TLSv1.3 failed
#652 opened by gexiaopeng - 3
- 20
ERR SSLDataEvent's fd is 0 address= fd=0 pid=13617
#596 opened by amwait - 5
Can't capture the package of VSCode
#639 opened by old-kai - 2
- 8
- 3
Undecrypted traffic from the gotls module
#618 opened by alahaiyo - 1
In the MuMu 12 emulator, the pcap mode cannot work
#634 opened by gexiaopeng - 3
A doubt in pcap mode
#637 opened by xd121614 - 2
#640 opened by zhanghw0103 - 2
Can't support 5.15.49-linuxkit .
#615 opened by lusains - 1
Failed to capture HTTPS traffic
#627 opened by lobsangshakya - 2
Heard about the news
#626 opened by myubabe - 0
#621 opened by gujiwork - 27
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runngin crashed
#581 opened by ziyouchutuwenwu - 4
No traffic is displayed for https on android
#595 opened by nitanmarcel - 2
Incorrect kernel version compare
#617 opened by yuchanns - 6
#587 opened by BoltzmannWXD - 4
couldn't start bootstrap manager error when selecting certain shared object files
#598 opened by ryank24 - 2
- 4
小米平板在使用 pcap 与 keylog 抓 tls 包时表现非预期行为
#602 opened by xxxxxliil - 7
ecapture 0.8.5 的日志记出现错误
#600 opened by xxxxxliil - 6
建议 eacpture 提供环境信息收集功能或者提供比较便利的收集环境信息的方式
#603 opened by xxxxxliil - 3
ecapture 在大于 5.2 的内核版本抱怨内核版本不大于 5.2
#599 opened by xxxxxliil - 3
"-p" seems not worked when create keylog
#590 opened by robbietu - 2
iOS support viability discussion
#584 opened by LaiKash - 9
Using eCapture with telegram android app
#577 opened by BanCock - 7
DTLS protocol support
#574 opened by sergey-safarov - 2
#578 opened by doself - 1