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./ecapture tls 问下只有--port参数,没看到--host或--ip的参数,有计划支持吗?

  • 一般生产环境不会全量抓包,比如就专门指定客户端IP抓这个客户的包之类
  • 或者就是调试个网络请求啥的,类似 tcpdump -i eth0 host and port 80

@Asphaltt 大神有个更好地解决方案 pcap filter ,未来会支持这个功能。

Expert @Asphaltt has a better solution pcap filter, which will be supported in the future.

Do you mean elibpcap library?

It will be nice to support pcap filter expression like tcpdump.

@cfc4n WDYT?

好像也只能如此了。 这周我测试github.com/Asphaltt/tc-dump在android上的兼容性。

It seems that this is the only way. This week, I tested the compatibility of github.com/Asphaltt/tc-dump on Android.

I tested the compatibility of github.com/Asphaltt/tc-dump on Android.


One more question: is --port=443 required? It will conflict with pcap-filter when there's tcp port 8080 in pcap-filter at the same time.

Well, the '--port' argument does conflict with 'pcap-fliter' and can be removed


can be removed

Good. I'm on it.