
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

dalma_codeyez README



dalma_codeyez is a program to keep track of how many problems you have solved on the following programming challenge sites:

  • Codewars
  • Leetcode
  • Project Euler

All 3 sites have publicly accessible endpoints which give information about how many problems have been solved by a user. When dalma_codeyez is first run it will store the baseline count of all questions you have solved on Codewars, Leetcode, and Project Euler. It is intended to be run as a cronjob or systemd service+timer, and if it detects that additional problems have been solved, dalma_codeyez will send a JSON payload to the Beeminder API for an endpoint corresponding to a Beeminder goal to solve x coding problems per week.




This app is written in Python 3 and depends on Selenium, chromium-chromedriver, and the following Python modules outside stdlib:

  • requests
  • selenium


  • v0.1.0 initial version with naive problem counts, public API only
  • v0.2.0 support cookie login for privileged pages, add DB backend

v0.1 Alpha

The alpha version v0.1 will use public HTTP endpoints from Codewars, Leetcode, and Project Euler. From public endpoints, Leetcode and Project Euler only return info on HOW MANY problems have been solved by a user, but provide no info on WHICH problems have been solved. Leetcode does provide separate counts of easy/med/hard problems solved, however.

Unlike Leetcode and Project Euler, Codewars public API provides both a total count of problems solved as well as info on which problems were solved and in what language(s). You can also get information on problem difficulty rated from 8 kyu (easiest) to 1 kyu (hardest).

The alpha version will calculate solved problem counts on the fly and will only store the last count and the current count of solved problems in the files old_count, new_count. If there has been a non-negative change in the count, an HTTP POST request will be sent to Beeminder API containing a timestamp and the positive delta.

The following files will stored ~/.local/codeyez:

  • Beeminder API credentials json file

v0.2 Beta

The beta v0.2 will support login via session cookies to Leetcode and Project Euler. When a Leetcode session cookie has expired, dalma_codeyez can programmatically log into Leetcode via Selenium by finding the XPath to the username and password HTML form input boxes and submitting user / pass into the forms. Upon login, dalma_codeyez will obtain a new session cookie, save the cookie to a local .json file and use it for subsequent requests. Selenium cannot automatically log into Project Euler, however, as the login page requires a CAPTCHA to be solved by a human. What you can do instead is manually export your Project Euler session cookie from Chrome using a browser extension like Export cookie JSON file for Puppeteer.

The following files will stored ~/.local/codeyez:

  • leetcode_scookie.json
    • {"LEETCODE_SESSION": "391 char alphanum"}
  • proj_euler_scookie.json
    • {"PHPSESSID": "123abc..."}
  • sqlite3 DB file

After manually exporting your session cookie from Project Euler, you will need to copy-paste the relevant key values into proj_euler_scookie.json Once you have seeded this file, however, you won't need to re-seed it for one month. The Leetcode session cookie has an expiration of 2 weeks, so it will need to be re-seeded upon expiration.

v0.2 will use sqlite3 as its backend DB and will store data on all problems from Codewars, Leetcode, and Project Euler. A custom point system will be introduced, with 1 pt assigned to 'easy', 2 pts for 'medium' and 3 pts for 'hard' difficulty questions. Since this form of difficulty categorization only exists on Leetcode, difficulty normalization will be carried out in the DB for Codewars and Project Euler problems.

  • Codewars 7 to 8 kyu problems will be classified as 'easy' (1 pt)
  • Codewars 4 to 6 kyu problems will be classified as 'medium' (2 pts)
  • Codewars 1 to 3 kyu problems will be classified as 'hard' (3 pts)
  • Project Euler (PE) problems solved by > 100,000 users: 'easy' (1 pt)
  • PE problems solved by 40,000 <= x <= 100,000 users: 'medium' (2 pts)
  • PE problems solved by x < 40,000 users: 'hard' (3 pts)

When dalma_codeyez v0.2 is first run, it will query solved problem data from Codewars, Leetcode, and Project Euler, insert these records into sqlite3, and calculate a baseline point value for all solved problems. This value will be stored in a file named curr_tot_points. On each subsequent execution, dalma_codeyez will check if any add'l problems have been solved and INSERT them into the DB and calculate the new point total. If the point total has increased, the previous point total will be copied from curr_tot_points to prev_tot_points and the new point total will be written to curr_tot_points. Based on the ISO8601 timestamp of when the record was INSERTed into the DB, dalma_codeyez can determine which problems were recently solved.

For each problem that was added to the DB within 60s of dalma_codeyez execution, an HTTP POST request with JSON payload will be sent to the Beeminder API for the goal acquire n 'coding points' per week. The payload will contain the following info:

  • Name of problem solved
  • Problem difficulty
  • Point value
  • Language used (for Codewars)
  • Solution Date (timestamp of INSERT to sqlite3)