
This is the vertical timeline design using HTML, CSS, and AOS animation library

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Animated Timeline Website

Welcome to the Animated Timeline project! Explore a visually engaging timeline created with HTML, CSS, and powered by the AOS animation library. This project showcases a dynamic representation of events, making it an excellent resource for presenting chronological information in an interactive way.

Project Preview Image


Key Features

  • Responsive Design: Enjoy a seamless experience on various devices, ensuring accessibility for all users.
  • AOS Animation Library: Engage your audience with smooth and eye-catching animations powered by the AOS library.
  • HTML & CSS: The timeline is built using standard web technologies, making it easy to understand, modify, and integrate into your projects.


  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Open the index.html file in your browser to view the animated timeline.

How to Contribute

  • Fork the project.
  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  • Commit your changes and open a pull request.


Explore the Project

Visit the live timeline: Live Demo


This project is licensed under the MIT License

Keywords: Animated Timeline, HTML, CSS, AOS Animation, Interactive, Chronological Representation, Web Development, css Timeline, Responsive html css timeline, html css timeline, timeline with html css, css vertical timeline, vertical timeline html css, animated vertical timeline html css,