
A very simple NodeJS library for creating command line tools

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🕋 Specimen02

Specimen02 is a command-line interface library. It has a simple to use, extendible interface with command line tools to help you with creating an interface between javascript and terminal. It's main focus is simplicity.

Builds should be around ~1 kb. Anything more will introduce a refactoring round where it will be lowered back to ~1 kb.


The idea was to name it with a word describing transportation between universes. But we failed for now, so it's specimen02 until someone comes up with a better name.

🛠 Installation

Install it and save it to your dependencies.

npm install --save specimen02

Example configuration

	specimen02: {
		test: {
			description: 'prints a message if speciment is installed',
			call: () => (console.log('Specimen is installed...'))

💻 Usage

Specimen02 makes the assumption that config/commands.js has the command definition in place. If not, the commands can be also passed as an object directly.

⚠️ Not implemented. See (#1)

If you would like specimen02 to create a sample command file for you, just run,

specimen02 install fresh

You can get more help about fresh command by writing,

specimen02 install --help

👨‍💻 Development

After checking out the repo, run npm install to install dependencies. Then, run npm test to run the tests.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run npm link.

🤲 Contributing

There are multiple areas in this repo that can be improved or use some refactoring(there's a lot to be refactored in fact!). For that reason, bug reports and pull requests are welcome! This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.

🔖 License

The library is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT License.

❤️ Code of Conduct

Just act like someone who you would like to hang around. That'll do it.