
A script i use to clean up my password managers from time to time.

Primary LanguagePython

📑 Valut Cleaner

Valut cleaner is a tool for dealing with the mess created by password managers.

🛠 Installation

Clone it.

git clone git@github.com:gokaykucuk/valut_cleaner.git

Then install requirements.

pip(3) install -r requirements.txt

🎰 Usage

You need to place in.csv to the root folder which should include exported password data.

Don't forget modifying KEYWORDS part to exclude some old domains.

👨‍💻 Development


🤲 Contributing


🔖 License

The library is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT License.

❤️ Code of Conduct

Just act like someone who you would like to hang around. That'll do it.