expander-rs Build/Test

Closed/Maximal Itemset Expander


Release build;

cargo build --release

There is an optional compilation feature which uses mimalloc mim-alloc;

cargo build --release --features mim-alloc

For release optimisations with fat lto and codegen-units=1 use production profile;

cargo build --profile production


There are 4 different expanding systems (default is bit-vec) and 4 different hashing algorithms (default is FNV). Use the flags to change the expander system and the hasher.

expander-rust 0.6.0
Closed/Maximal Itemset Expander

    expander-rs [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <input>

    -a, --aes-hasher            Use AHash for Hasher (uses AES)
    -m, --bit-man-expander      Use Bit Manipulator Expander (u128 for itemset - up to 128 items)
    -b, --bit-vec-expander      Use Bit Vec Expander (dynamic BitVec for itemset - no limits) (default)
    -f, --fnv-hasher            Use FNVHash for Hasher (default)
    -x, --fx-hasher             Use FXHash for Hasher
    -o, --hash-only-expander    Use Hash-only Vec Expander (u8 for each item - up to 256 items) which operates only on
                                hashes. Experimental feature which can be additionally fast but also can cause
                                collisions. Use with care
    -h, --help                  Prints help information
    -s, --std-hasher            Use Rust's std Hasher (uses Google's SwissTable / HashBrown)
    -V, --version               Prints version information
    -v, --vec-expander          Use Vec Expander (u8 for each item - up to 256 items)

    -o, --output <output>    Optional output file in JSON format. Each Expander serializes itemsets differently; - Bit
                             Vec Expander: Vec<usize> per itemset (Human-Readable), - Vec Expander: Vec<u8> per itemset
                             (Human-Readable), - BitMan Expander: Vec<0..128> per itemset (Human-Readable), - Hash-only
                             Vec Expander: u64 Hash per itemset (pretty much useless)

    <input>    Input file in JSON format


There are 3 different examples in examples folder.