Pinned issues
- 5
How to add `alt` to <Image> component
#74 opened by Giggiux - 4
Typescript support?
#110 opened by ernestdodz - 1
Support for rem, vw and percentage dimensions
#104 opened by harsha20599 - 1
Getting Image failed to load error.
#111 opened by askerakbar - 2
How to apply custom css classes to <img>?
#123 opened by fachryansyah - 1
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- 1
Attempted import error: 'react-shimmer' does not contain a default export (imported as 'Image')
#99 opened by sito8943 - 1
Make Css Utilities Classes Scoped
#98 opened by shadesOfcodes - 3
TypeScript error: JSX element type 'Image' does not have any construct or call signatures ts(2604)
#96 opened by DanielRuf - 4
- 1
unit tests broke
#77 opened by akinncar - 1
syntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module @ eval (webpack internal
#85 opened by labaran1 - 2
Problem with module build?
#87 opened by dkadrios - 2
Any way to set the width and height to 100% of the container that the Image is in?
#59 opened by AizenSousuke - 1
How to add `classname` to <Image> component
#71 opened by muhammadyana - 0
Display placeholder for server-side rendering
#41 opened by harijoe - 1
[Question/Help] React Dependency Conflict
#84 opened by RohtanshSehgal - 2
Repeated network request
#72 opened by zerofront - 1
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borderRadius does not work
#38 opened by kodai3 - 3
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Not working properly with Owl carousel
#40 opened by tharindusenadeera - 1