Best Algorithms for Graphs: Easy Learning (Distributed Graph Processing)

Primary LanguageGo


Best Algorithms for Graphs: Easy Learning

A distributed graph processor based on the Pregel API. Possible operations are:

  • finding the shortest path between two vertices
  • finding the PageRank of a given vertex
    • in our implementation, the sum of the PageRanks across all vertices sum to |V|

Makefile Targets

  • all to build the worker, coord, client, database, and cnf
  • worker
  • coord
  • client
  • database
  • cnf
  • test to run the unit test for the worker
  • clean to remove the build files and clean the cached test results

Run the code with the React client & the local DynamoDB client (LATEST!)

  • In the client directory, run npm run start
  • In the envoy directory, run
    • (FIRST TIME)
    • docker build . -t bagel-envoy &&
    • docker run --name bagel-envoy -p 8080:8080 -p 9091:9091 bagel-envoy
    • docker start bagel-envoy if the container exists
  • (No longer needed) In the directory where you installed the local DynamoDB client (see here), run java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb (keep this running)
  • In the bagel directory, run make all followed by ./bin/coord and any number of worker commands, ./bin/worker 0, ./bin/worker 1, etc.

Setup the MongoDB Atlas database

  • Before you run coord and workers, setup the database with `./bin/database [prod|dev] `

    Setup the local DynamoDB client

    • After you run the local DynamoDB client, you can upload graphs to the local database with ./bin/database setup <table name> <path to graph file>
      • example to upload the test graph: ./bin/database setup gokce-test-db testGraph.txt
    • You can then run CLI queries on the graph, such as the ones here, to test things out
      • check tables: aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000
      • scan table: aws dynamodb scan --table-name gokce-test-db --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000
      • get item from table: aws dynamodb get-item --table-name gokce-test-db --key '{"ID": {"N": "5"}}' --consistent-read --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000

    Running the code

    • After building, the binary files will be found in the ./bin folder
    • To configure the config files (worker, coord, client)
      • ./bin/cnf [sync|port|azure]
        • ./bin/cnf sync - will synchronize the client and worker config files to point to the correct coord port numbers
        • ./bin/cnf port - will randomly assign ports (based on rand.Int()) to all the configuration files, and call ./bin/cnf sync (automatically syncs worker and coord to the correct coord ports)
        • ./bin/cnf azure [coordServer] [clientServer] - based on the list of Azure VM addresses, will assign the correct server addresses to all the configuration files.
          • ./bin/cnf azure [coordServer] [clientServer]
            • [coordServer] - specify the name of the remote server for the coord to run on
            • [clientServer] - specify the name of the remote server for the client to run on
      • (tl;dr) To run on Azure servers 1. git checkout -b <branch_name> 2. make cnf 3. ./bin/cnf port 4. ./bin/cnf azure [coordServer] [clientServer] 5. git add . && git commit -m "azure" && git push origin <branch_name> 6. Take note of the assigned nodes (worker/coord/client) servers 1. [client_config.json assigned to server Gambier : coord_config.json assigned to server Lulu : worker0_config.json assigned to server Ivan : worker1_config.json assigned to server Go : worker2_config.json assigned to server Remote : worker3_config.json assigned to server Anvil : ] 7. ssh into the Azure VMs 8. Pull your branch git fetch -v - a && git switch <branch_name> 9. make clean all 10. Run ./bin/[worker|coord|client] 1. based on the VM you are on and the output seen above 2. (ie. client_config.json assigned to server Gambier therefore, run ./bin/coord on Gambier VM)
    • Run the following in order to issue a query:
      • ./bin/coord runs a coordinator
      • ./bin/worker [workerId] runs a worker node
      • ./bin/client runs a client instance that can be used to queue up requests
        • client shortestpath {vertex1} {vertex2} runs a shortest path calculation from vertex1 to vertex2
        • client pagerank {vertex} finds the PageRank of the vertex

    Run the code with Docker

    • Create a user-defined bridge network: docker network create bagel
    • Start coord:
      • Build: docker build -f Dockerfile.coord -t coord .
      • Remove previous container: docker rm coord
      • Run: docker run --name coord --network bagel coord
    • Start worker(s):
      • Build: docker build -f Dockerfile.worker -t worker .
      • Remove previous container: docker rm worker0
      • Run: docker run --name worker0 --network bagel worker 0

    Run the code with Docker-compose

    • docker compose build (when docker-compose. yml is updated)
    • docker compose up