Single Page Website

You can access the website via link:

In this project, I designed a single-page website using HTML and CSS basic tags.


<html></html>        :    Creates an html file
<head></head>        :    Defines title and the other unvisible properties
<body></body>        :    Creates the visible part of document
<title></title>      :    Defines the page title
<meta></meta>        :    Definitipns are made about the page

<p></p>              :    Creates new paragraph
<h1></h1>..<h6></h6> :    Creates title with heights h1>..>h6
<em></em>            :    Texts are written in italics
<strong></strong>    :    Texts are written in bold
<br>                 :    Adds a breakline
<ul></ul> & <ol></ol>:    Creates list ul=> unordered list; ol=> ordered list
<li></li>            :    Adds a list item into list

<div></div>          :    Creates compartments for contents
<span></span>        :    Creates inline sections
<hr>                 :    Represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements 

<a href="URL" target="_blank"> :   Specifies where the linked document will open when the link is clicked


width                   : Defines the width of objects
height                  : Defines the height of objects
border                  : Border around objects
margin                  : Determines the space between the objects' edge line and outward.
padding                 : Inward with the edge line of objects determines the gap.
background              : Determines the background of objects. Color or visual can be used.

font-family             : Determines the font used.
font-size               : Determines the font size.
color                   : Determines the text color.
font-weight             : Determines the thickness of the texts. Bold, light etc.
font-style              : Determines whether the text is italicized.
text-decoration         : Sets various effects on text.
text-align              : Determines the alignment of the texts.(left, right, center, justify)
line-height             : Space between lines of text determines.

position                : Places objects on the screen.(absolute, fixed, relative)
float                   : Stacks objects horizontally.(left, right)
top, left, right, bottom: Determines the position of objects