
Bankroll logs is a jquery plugin that display bankroll network smart contract events in a terminal style way.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bankroll Logs

Bankroll logs is a jquery plugin that display bankroll network smart contract events in a terminal style way.

Try the live demo !

How to use it

1. Include plugin and dependencies JavaScript files

Load the dependencies libraries in this minimal version or above :

Library Minimal version
jQuery 3.3.1
lodash 4.17.15
moment 2.24.0
numeral 2.0.6
particles 2.0.0
tronweb 2.10.1
web3 1.2.9
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"
            integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash@4.17.15/lodash.min.js"
            integrity="sha256-VeNaFBVDhoX3H+gJ37DpT/nTuZTdjYro9yBruHjVmoQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/moment@2.24.0/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/numeral.js/2.0.6/numeral.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/particles.js@2.0.0/particles.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tronweb@2.10.1/dist/TronWeb.js" integrity="sha256-yTGcZoX5gMrnHm+NWm4l0Zh3pIr0Nlth+EOXNnmEVFI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ethereum/web3.js@1.2.9/dist/web3.min.js" integrity="sha256-7yIjqNLXjq9sxL+oWN8i5fNC9k8/VX6gxRKNWRo6gfo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

If you don't want to use the particle effect, you can remove the particles.min.js dependency and set the particles plugin option to false.

Load the plugin

<script src="js/jquery.bankroll-logs.js"></script>

2. Include CSS file

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/jquery.bankroll-logs.css">

3. Call the plugin in your JS code

Create a div and apply the jquery plugin on it.

<div id="logs-with-particles"></div>

4. Style the container div element

Give an height property to the container div element.

    /* Target the div where the plugin is applied  */
    #logs-with-particles {
        height: 300px;

Plugin options

Option Type Default value Description
balanceReportLimit Number 10 Displayed contract event number before reporting contract balances.
logContractBalanceEventName String logContractBalance virtual log contract balance event name use to log contract balance
swapVolumeReportLimit Number 10 Displayed contract event number before reporting BNKR swapped volume
swapContractAddress String TRXYvAoYvCqmvZWpFCTLc4rdQ7KxbLsUSj Swap contract address
swapBuyEventName String onTokenPurchase Swap Buy event name
swapSellEventName String onTrxPurchase Swap Sell event name
logSwapVolumeEventName String logSwapVolume Swap log swap volume virtual event name use to log swap volume
particles Boolean true Enable the particle effect in terminal background.
firstRenderFetchEventNumber Number 3 Event number to fetch from blockchain for the first render.
custodyWalletAddressInHexFormat String 0x976b2df04558bc6b3997b143c02c13614dc5f5a4 Bankroll custody wallet address.
contractsConfig Object See in source code, look for CONTRACTS_CONFIG constant Allow to provide a custom contracts configuration object.
maxTerminalLogNumber Number 100 Maximum log number displayed in the terminal
dailyPlusContractAddress String THVYLtjFbXNcXwDvZcwCGivS95Wtd4juFn Daily+ contract address
bnkrTokenContractAddress String TNo59Khpq46FGf4sD7XSWYFNfYfbc8CqNK BNKR token contract address
saveContractAddress String THjY7rDKfjMiyCFMoCMCXdQAtRakD21RZQ Save contract address
onDistributionBNKRDepotEventName String onDistributionBNKRDepot onDistributionBNKRDepot virtual event name
etherumProvider String wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/ Web socket provider to access ethereum blockchain

Example :

<script>$("#logs-with-particles").bankroll_logs({balanceReportLimit:5, particles:false});</script>

Tron blockchain contracts information

Boost contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
onLeaderBoard Yes
onTokenPurchase Buy
onTokenSell Sell
onReinvestment Roll Yes
onWithdraw Withdraw
onBalance Contract balance Yes
onDonation Donate
OwnershipTransferred Transfer ownership Yes

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance

Credits contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
onTokenPurchase Buy
onTokenSell Sell
onReinvestment Roll Yes
onWithdraw Withdraw
onTransfer Transfer
onDonation Donate
OwnershipTransferred Transferred ownership Yes

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance

Daily+ contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
onLeaderBoard Yes
onTokenPurchase Buy
onTokenSell Sell
onReinvestment Roll Yes
onWithdraw Withdraw
onTransfer Transfer
onBalance Contract balance Yes
onDonation Donate
onDistribution Distribute payout (Profit, depot)
OwnershipTransferred Transferred ownership Yes

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance

Air contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
onPlayerSummary Free Roll
onRoundSummary Win
OwnershipTransferred Transferred ownership Yes

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance

BNKR token contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
Mint Token are mined Yes if BNKR mined amount is under 0.01 BNKR or if from custody address.
MintFinished Yes
OwnershipTransferred Transferred ownership Yes
Approval Approve staking Yes
Transfer Stake token Yes if it come from the ZERO address

Note : for Transfer event :

When tokens come from the ZERO address (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or T9yD14Nj9j7xAB4dbGeiX9h8unkKHxuWwb) they are mined.

When tokens are sent to the stake address (TXwYAQ9y9r8u4E2o6KrdeELMr5x6NFekge) they are staked.

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance

Save contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
onFreeze Deposit
onUnfreeze Withdraw
onClaim Claim Yes if from custody address.
onBalance Customer balance Yes
onContractBalance Contract balance Yes
WhitelistedAddressAdded Add a whitelisted address Yes
WhitelistedAddressRemoved Remove a whitelisted address Yes
OwnershipTransferred Transferred ownership Yes

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance

Swap contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
onTokenPurchase Buy
onTrxPurchase Sell
onAddLiquidity Add liquidity
onRemoveLiquidity Remove liquidity
onLiquidity Liquidity Yes
onContractBalance Contract balance Yes
onPrice Price info
onSummary Summary event Yes
Transfer Transfer fund Yes
Approval Enable player on contract Yes

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance
logSwapVolume Allow to display last 24H BNKR swapped volume

Stack contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
onLeaderBoard Yes
onTokenPurchase Buy
onTokenSell Sell
onReinvestment Roll Yes
onWithdraw Withdraw
onClaim Yes
onTransfer Transfer fund Yes
onBuyBack Yes
onBalance Contract balance Yes
onDonation Yes

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance

Credits v2 contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
onLeaderBoard Yes
onTokenPurchase Buy
onTokenSell Sell
onReinvestment Roll Yes
onWithdraw Withdraw
onClaim Claim BNKR dividends
onTransfer Transfer fund
onBuyBack Contract buy back BNKR
onBalance Contract balance Yes
onDonation Yes
OwnershipTransferred Transferred ownership Yes

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance

Ethereum blockchain contracts information

Life contract information

Contract Events

Event name Action Hidden
onLeaderBoard Yes
onTokenPurchase Buy
onTokenSell Sell
onReinvestment Roll Yes
onWithdraw Withdraw
onClaim Claim BNKR dividends
onTransfer Transfer fund
onBuyBack Contract buy back BNKR
onBalance Contract balance Yes
onDonation Yes

Specific virtual events

Event name Action
logContractBalance Log contract balance