
This action analyzes dart code

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

codecov wakatime


This action analyzes dart code by running dart analyze and dart format.

How to use it

Create a .yml file in ./github/workflows/ in your project.


  • fail-on: Specifies when the action should fail.
    • Options:
      • 'error': Fails only on analyze error.
      • 'warning': Fails on warnings and errors.
      • 'info': Fails on info, warnings and errors from dart analyze.
      • 'format': Fails on everything, including bad formatting.
      • 'nothing': Fails on nothing.
    • Optional.
    • Default: 'error'.
  • working-directory: The working directory.
    • Optional.
    • Default: './'.
  • token: Github token
    • Optional.
    • Default: Secret token provided by Github
  • check-renamed-files: If set to 'true', it will checks an entire renamed file even if there is no change in it.
    • Options: 'false', 'true'.
    • Optional.
    • Default: 'false'.
  • emojis: 'false' will remove the emojis from the comment.
    • Options: 'true', 'false'.
    • Optional.
    • Default: 'true'.
  • format: 'false' will remove the check on the format.
    • Options: 'true', 'false'.
    • Optional.
    • Default: 'true'.
  • line-length: The line length for dart format command.
    • Optional.
    • Default: The default value used in dart format


No output.


It will fail the checks on your Pull Requests if any issue is found:


It will leave a comment explaining why it failed and what issues it found:


In the code change, it will display errors and warnings where the issues are found:


Example usage

on: [pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Lint flutter code
    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Set up Flutter
      uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
    - run: flutter pub get
    - name: Analyze Flutter
      uses: ValentinVignal/action-dart-analyze@v0.15
        fail-on: 'warning'